A better way to manage money

Take control with Money Manager
A free money management tool, helping you track your spending, set budgets, and control your finances, across all of you accounts. Make your money matter more with An Post Money Manager.

A current account that makes your money matter
Do all your banking with the An Post Money Current Account and the An Post Money app. Pay instantly with your phone or watch, set aside money with Jars, save spare change with Round Up, and make shopping online more secure with Dynamic CVV.
An Post Money Mate
With An Post Money Mate and the An Post Money banking app, kids learn money skills for life and parents stay in control. It’s a current account for 7-15 year olds with a debit card, parental controls, savings features and much more!

Travel Money sorted
Carry up to 15 currencies on the An Post Money Currency Card. Easily manage your travel money with the An Post Money app. Know you can count on us if things go wrong.