Níl aon táille bhunaithe i gceist lenár n-iasachtaí. D'fhéadfadh táillí agus pionóis a bheith i gceist i gcásanna áirithe, mar shampla má theipeann ort íocaíochtaí a dhéanamh.
Ní mór duit faisnéis faoi gach cíos agus morgáiste atá agat faoi láthair a chur san áireamh. |
Nuair a ghlacann tú grianghraf den chruthúnas ar sheoladh, bíodh an leathanach iomlán le feiceáil go soiléir. Cinntigh nach bhfuil an íomhá doiléir ionas gur féidir linn do sheoladh a fhíorú.
Cruthúnas ar Ioncam
Chun d'ioncam a fhíorú is gá dúinn na ráitis bainc is déanaí a fuair tú a fheiceáil, don chuntas a n-íoctar d'ioncam isteach ann. Ba cheart d'ainm agus do sheoladh a bheith ar taispeáint orthu. Is féidir ráitis bainc a íoslódáil mar PDF ar láithreán gréasáin gach bainc, ar gach gléas.
Más duine féinfhostaithe tú, is féidir leat d'fhoirmeacha um measúnú cánach le dhá bhliain anuas a úsáid. Is féidir na doiciméid sin, nach mór tuairisceáin chánach agus foirmeacha um ghlacadh ó na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim a bheith san áireamh leo, a fháil ó do chuntasóir nó ó na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim.
I gcás nach n-íoctar d'ioncam isteach i do chuntas, is féidir leat úsáid a bhaint as grianghraf nó PDF den duillín pá, admháil leasa shóisialaigh, ráiteas pinsin nó deimhniú cánach is déanaí a fuair tú.
Ní ghlacaimid le comhiarratais faoi láthair ach is féidir leat ioncam ó dhuine eile sa líon tí a chur san áireamh i d'iarratas, le toiliú uathu. Má dhéanann tú amhlaidh, beidh doiciméid phearsanta an duine sin de dhíth orainn freisin.
Is próiseas ar líne é an próiseas iarratais agus ní féidir doiciméid a uaslódáil ach tríd an Ionad Doiciméad agus sin amháin. Ná seoltar doiciméid tríd an bpost. Ceadaigh an treoir maidir le doiciméid a uaslódáil ar líne.
Is éard atá sa Phríomh-Chlár Creidmheasa (CRR) córas sábháilte nua chun faisnéis a bhailiú faoi iarratais ar chreidmheas agus comhaontuithe creidmheasa ar fiú €500 nó níos mó iad.
Tá an córas faoi úinéireacht agus faoi oibriú Bhanc Ceannais na hÉireann. Roinnimid faisnéis fút leis an CRR, a úsáideann í chun tuarascálacha creidmheasa aonair a chruthú.
Is leis an mBanc Ceannais an fhaisnéis a choinnítear ar an CCR agus is é an Banc an rialaitheoir sonraí faoi na hAchtanna um Chosaint Sonraí. Tá sé de cheart agat do thuarascáil chreidmheasa a iarraidh tráth ar bith, saor in aisce agus faoi réir ag úsáid chóir.
Faigh tuilleadh eolais faoi cad a chiallaíonn an CCR do d'iarratas ar iasacht.
Chun an fhaisnéis i do thuarascáil chreidmheasa a fheiceáil, is féidir leat cóip a iarraidh ag
I rith an phróisis iarratais ar iasacht, inseoimid duit cá mhéad go beacht a bheidh ort a aisíoc, lena n-áirítear ús, ag brath ar mhéid agus ar théarma d'iasachta.
Tabharfar mionsonraí faoi na rátaí úis a bheidh i bhfeidhm maidir le d'iasacht i do chomhaontú maidir le creidmheas iasachta. Sannfaimid an ráta cuí duit bunaithe ar do phróifíl airgeadais agus ar do stair chreidmheasa nuair a bheidh athbhreithniú déanta ar d'iarratas.
More frequently asked questions
Is ráta seasta úis a bheidh mar ráta úis d'iasachta pearsanta ar feadh thréimhse na hiasachta agus ní ghearrfar aon phionós ort má roghnaíonn tú an iasacht a aisíoc go luath.
Faigh tuilleadh eolais faoin méid ba cheart duit a dhéanamh má tá deacrachtaí agat le haisíocaíocht.
Sannfaimid an ráta cuí duit bunaithe ar do phróifíl airgeadais agus ar do stair chreidmheasa nuair a bheidh athbhreithniú déanta ar d'iarratas. Féach na rátaí seasta iontacha atá againn anseo.
If you have a dispute in relation to a particular credit card purchase you should contact the company in question in the first instance as they may be happy to resolve the issue for you. If you have tried this and you remain dissatisfied, please call us on 0818 205 410.
In the event you believe your complaint has not been satisfactorily dealt with by us, you can contact the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman. You can write to them at the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman, Lincoln House, Lincoln Place, Dublin 2.
Under European Union rules, as Avantcard DAC provides financial services online we are obligated to inform you of the European Commission's Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform. The ODR platform is designed to allow consumers and traders settle disputes in relation to products or services purchased online if they remain unhappy with the response they have received as part of the complaint process. You can access this online dispute resolution platform, here.
*Calls charged at national rates. Cost may vary depending on your telecoms provider.
Is féidir leat aisíocaíochtaí uathoibríocha ar d'iasacht a dhéanamh le dochar díreach, de réir théarmaí do chomhaontaithe iasachta.
Má tá íocaíocht dhéanach á déanamh agat, is féidir leat do chárta dochair a úsáid, ach glaoch orainn ag 0818 205 410.
Íoslódáil sainordú dochair dhírigh más gá duit dochar díreach nua a chur ar bun nó dochar díreach atá ann cheana féin ar do chuntas iasachta a athrú.
DocuSign is a company that provides corporations and individuals with electronic services in document management. It allows people to put their digital signatures on documents, such as contracts and agreements, using its secure technology. Entities that use DocuSign's services can authenticate entities, individuals, documents, and workflow, along with user identity management electronically. For more information, please read Privacy Notice | DocuSign.
Once you have completed the form you will receive a confirmation email with the document attached. Please note the following:
- It can take some time for your new direct debit to be active and ready to take payments from your bank account. In the meantime, you may need to make an additional payment if your direct debit isn’t set up in time for your payment due date. You can use your debit card to make it, by calling us on 0818 205 410.
- If you have multiple accounts with us, you must fill in a direct debit mandate for each account.
- Direct debits cannot be set up from a savings account.
- If you are setting up the direct debit from a joint account and both signatures are required, you must download the personal loan printable direct debit mandate print it, have both parties sign the mandate, and return it to us by post.
- If you do not wish to fill the form out electronically, you can download the personal loan printable direct debit mandate, print it, sign it and post it back to us.
- You cannot set up a fixed direct debit, you must pay either the full monthly balance or the minimum monthly balance that is due.
I gcás nach sroichfidh d'aisíocaíocht mhíosúil do chuntas iasachta faoin dáta riachtanach, gearrfar táille €10 ort. Déanfar sin gach uair a tharlóidh sin.
Ba cheart duit méid aon íocaíochta nach ndearnadh a íoc láithreach. Is féidir sin a dhéanamh le do chárta dochair - glaoigh orainn ag 0818 205 410.
Your Direct Debit payment will be debited from your bank account on the payment due date as specified in your Personal Loan agreement. If the payment is due on a Sunday or Bank holiday it will be deducted from your bank account on either the same, or next business day.
To change your payment date to one that suits you better, you can call us on 0818 205 410.
Má tá deacrachtaí airgeadais agat, tá nithe is féidir leat a dhéanamh chun an scéal a réiteach. Ar dtús, ba cheart duit athbhreithniú cuimsitheach a dhéanamh ar do chúinsí airgeadais. Cuideoidh na nithe a leanas uait é sin a dhéanamh:
Bain úsáid as pleanálaí buiséid saor in aisce ón gCoimisiún um Iomaíocht agus Cosaint Tomhaltóirí
Faigh faisnéis agus comhairle ó MABS, an tSeirbhís Buiséadaithe agus Comhairle Airgid
Seiceáil an bhfuil árachas agat, amhail árachas cosanta íocaíochta, a cheadódh duit éileamh a dhéanamh
Ansin glaoigh orainn ag 0818 211 555 le mionsonraí faoi do chúinsí airgeadais agus pléifimid na roghanna a bheidh ar fáil duit.
Conas is féidir liom mo chaiteachas a laghdú?
An bealach is fearr chun do chaiteachas a laghdú ná buiséad a leagan amach duit féin. Ós rud é go n-íoctar formhór na mbillí ar bhonn míosúil, déan amach cá mhéad a thuilleann tú gach mí agus ansin cá mhéad a chaitheann tú gach mí.
Tá na leideanna a leanas in ann cuidiú leat caiteachas neamhriachtanach a laghdú:
Cuir íocaíochtaí trí dhochar díreach ar bun ionas nach ndéanfaidh tú dearmad ar íocaíochtaí rialta a dhéanamh
Déan athbhreithniú ar do sholáthraithe seirbhísí lena fháil amach an féidir billí amhail leictreachas nó gás a laghdú
Cuir airgead ar leataobh le haghaidh chostais a bhfuil agus nach bhfuil coinne leo, amhail billí leighis
Déan liosta siopadóireachta seachtainiúil agus cloí leis chun turais bhreise chuig na siopaí i rith na seachtaine a sheachaint
Éirigh as an tobcheannach
Cuir airgead i dtaisce le haghaidh rudaí deasa ócáideacha amhail laethanta saoire
Cén acmhainní atá ar fáil chun cuidiú liom mo chaiteachas a laghdú?
Cuirtear seirbhís chomparáide ar fáil saor ina aisce ar láithreáin ghréasáin amhail maidir le praghsanna billí tí amhail gás, leictreachas, fón, leathanbhanda agus morgáiste, rud a d'fhéadfadh cuidiú leat do chaiteachas a laghdú.
Más mian leat cúnamh a fháil chun athbhreithniú a dhéanamh ar do chúinsí airgeadais, bain úsáid as ár bhfoirm Ioncaim agus Caiteachais. Priontáil amach í, líon isteach í agus seol chugainn í chuig: Foireann Cúnaimh Custaiméirí, An Post Money, Bosca PO 25, Bóthar Bhaile Átha Cliath, Cora Droma Rúisc, Contae Liatroma.
Chomh luath agus a bheidh do bhuiséad míosúil i bhfeidhm agat agus a thosaíonn tú ar do chaiteachas a laghdú, déan teagmháil le d'iasachtóirí agus le do chreidiúnaithe. Is féidir linn cuidiú leat dul i ngleic le do chuid fiachas, mar sin déan teagmháil linn agus inis dúinn é má tá deacrachtaí agat.
Má tá fiach le híoc agam, cén muirir a d'fhéadfadh a bheith i bhfeidhm?
Gearrfar táille €10 ort má théann do chuntas iasachta i riaráiste.
Beidh feidhm ag an táille sin gach uair nach sroicheann d'aisíocaíocht mhíosúil do chuntas iasachta mar chiste imréitithe faoin dáta íocaíochta. Cuirfimid an muirear mainneachtana sin go díreach le do chuntas.
D'fhéadfaí na táillí seo a leanas a ghearradh ort má theipeann ort íocaíocht a dhéanamh ar do chárta creidmheasa:
Táille dhéanach €15.24 gach uair nach sroicheann d'íosíocaíocht do chuntas mar chiste imréitithe faoi dháta dlite d'íocaíochta. Ní mór do d'íosíocaíocht a bheith imréitithe i do chuntas roimh an dáta sin chun do chomhaontú Avantcard a chomhlíonadh. Beidh cuntais faoi réir tháillí déanacha má fhaightear íocaíochtaí iontu i ndiaidh an dáta dlite a thaispeántar ar do ráiteas.
Gearrfar táille thar an teorainn €12.70 ort má sháraítear an teorainn chreidmheasa ar do chuntas am ar bith le linn thréimhse an ráitis sin. Is táille aonuaire le linn thréimhse ráitis é seo.
Gearrfar táille íocaíochta aischurtha €19.05 ort gach uair a aischuirimid dochar díreach nó mír eile atá le híoc i do chuntas.
Chomh luath agus a bheidh d'iarratas formheasta i bprionsabal, seolfaimid ríomhphost chugat ina leagfar amach na téarmaí formheasta, lena n-áireofar an ráta úis. Beidh nasc chuig ár mol doiciméad ann freisin. Is ansin a uaslódálfaidh tú na doiciméid ionas gur féidir linn d'iarratas a thabhairt chun críche agus méid d'iasachta a chur díreach isteach i do chuntas reatha.
SBCI home energy upgrade loan
No. All properties upgraded must be located in the Republic of Ireland.
Yes. Each borrower can apply for up to 3 properties up to a maximum of €225,000 in total.
No. Under the scheme, all loans are unsecured. This means that no security or personal guarantee is required.
Loans range from a minimum of €5,000 up to a maximum of €75,000 per property. If you’re looking to borrow for more than one property, each borrower can apply for up to 3 properties up to a maximum of €225,000 in total.
Loans available up to 31 December 2026 or until the scheme has been fully subscribed.
Yes, the cost may vary depending on the energy assessor and the size of your home. Please note: that the cost still applies whether the loan is approved or declined. The Home Energy Summary Report is not a guarantee of credit approval and does not oblige An Post Money to provide finance.
Loans are available for applicants who meet the eligibility criteria for the scheme and are investing in energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades where those works are also being grant-aided by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI).
Loans must be used for the purposes of upgrading the energy efficiency and decarbonisation of your home. A list of eligible solutions can be found on the SEAI website.
- Contact one of SEAI registered providers to complete a Home Energy Assessment of your home. SEAI Registered One Stop Shop Provider, SEAI Registered Energy Partner, Community Project Coordinator
- The SEAI registered provider will carry out an assessment, provide you with a Home Energy Summary Report and apply for your SEAI home energy upgrade grant(s)
- To apply for the Home Energy Upgrade Loan Scheme, you first must be availing of an SEAI home energy upgrade grant(s).
- Apply online and include a copy of the Home Energy Summary Report. It is not possible to submit an application without this report.
The Home Energy Summary Report is a one-page document provided to the homeowner by a SEAI-registered One Stop Shop, Energy Partner, or Community Project Coordinator following an assessment of the property. This document includes information on the property, such as the Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN), and the proposed upgrade, such as the proposed uplift in energy performance and the total proposed costs of the project. To get a copy of the Home Energy Summary Report, you must contact a SEAI-registered One Stop Shop, Energy Partner, or Community Project Coordinator and schedule an assessment of your residential property.
Low-cost loans from 3.75% APR over €20,000 borrow from €5,000 to €75,000.
Loan terms from 1 – 10 years.
We will review your loan application once we have received all the required information needed. Completion of the Home Energy Summary Report and approval for a SEAI grant does not oblige An Post Money to provide a loan. Lending criteria, terms and conditions apply.
The purpose of the loans is to help fund the cost of energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades where those works are also being grant-aided by the SEAI.
Home energy upgrades
- Improve the comfort of your home by reducing heat loss and draughts.
- Reduce air pollutants from entering your home by sealing it off better.
- Reduce your heating bills by increasing energy efficiency and using renewable energy systems.
- Use government grants while they are available to help pay for energy improvements to your home.
- Reduce your greenhouse gas emissions by operating a more energy efficient home.
Normally, solar panels are installed on your roof depending on the orientation of your house and the condition of your roof. In the case of solar thermal panels, it is likely that you will require a bigger hot water cylinder. This may reduce the space in the cupboard or room where it is located.
Heat pumps can use an air, ground or water source. The most common system extracts heat from external air using an outside unit. This does not need underground piping to source heat and so is easier to install.
Air to water heat pumps are the most popular choice. Heat is distributed through radiators or underfloor heating and also can produce hot water. Heat pumps use lower temperature water, so it may be necessary to replace existing radiators with low temperature radiators. This new system lets you set specific heating times and temperatures for different areas in your home.
During the pre-works survey, your contractor will measure the windows and doors to be replaced. Once the specification and costs are agreed, the contractor will send the dimensions to the supplier to be manufactured. The standard waiting time is 4-5 weeks from order to installation.
There are three different ways to insulate your walls: cavity, external and internal insulation. These can be used on their own or in combination depending on your existing wall construction. Additional internal ventilation is needed when your walls are insulated. Your contractor will assess the best method and discuss this with you before the work begins.
Cavity wall insulation
If your home has cavity walls which are not insulated or only partially insulated, then cavity wall insulation is an easy, cost effective first step to reduce heat loss.
If your home has a cavity wall, insulation is pumped into the cavity. A series of small holes are drilled in the wall at regular intervals on the outside. Insulation is pumped into the cavity through these holes. The holes are then filled so they match the rest of the wall.
External wall insulation
For solid block or concrete walls with no cavity, external wall insulation is generally the preferred option. It can also be used with cavity wall insulation to further improve the performance of your external walls. External wall insulation involves wrapping a layer of rigid insulation around your home, fixing it to the walls, embedding mesh in it to provide strength, and covering it in a render to provide weather resistance.
Internal wall insulation
Internal wall insulation might be recommended for your home because it has solid or cavity block walls and external insulation is either not possible (i.e. for some protected structures) or is not considered the best solution.
Internal insulation (sometimes referred to as 'drylining') usually involves fixing insulation boards to the inside of the external walls and covering them with a vapour control layer, plasterboard, skim and new painting. As the boards are applied to the inner side of the walls, there will be some loss of space in the rooms.
The installation of the wood burning stove can be carried out within a single day. After removing the existing fire grate and surround, a new metal flue liner will be installed in your chimney.
If you have an attic, a thick layer of insulating material will be rolled out over the ceiling below. The water tank and pipework will also need to be insulated, and a walkway and ventilation provided. It is also possible to insulate sloping ceilings or flat roofs where necessary. With the new insulation, proper attic ventilation is very important. It reduces the risk of condensation build-up in the attic space, which can reduce the effectiveness of your insulation and cause damage to your roof structure.
Different approaches will be needed depending on whether you have a solid ground floor, a suspended concrete floor or a suspended timber floor. In some cases, it may be possible to lay insulation on top of the existing construction. In other cases, it will be necessary to fit insulation to the underside of the concrete or timber structure.
If your home is going to be fully insulated and new windows and doors are installed, then a new ventilation system will be necessary. Typically, a Demand Control Ventilation (DCV) system or a Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) system will be required.
What difference does a new ventilation system make?
Proper ventilation removes stale air and odours and ensures that fresh air is circulated throughout your home at all times. This does not mean your home will be colder or draughty, but that the warm air will not be harmful. You may be able to hear air coming in through the vents. This is normal.
Measure | Energy | Payback |
Roof insulation | Reduces current heat loss by up to 95% through better roof insulation | 5-20 years |
Wall insulation | Reduces current heat loss by up to 95% through better wall insulation | 5-20 years |
Door and window replacement | Reduces current heat loss by up to 95% through better seals and new double or triple glazed windows | 5-20 years |
Boiler upgrade | Reduces current fuel consumption by 5-15% by upgrading to a new high efficiency boiler | 5-10 years |
Home automation | Reduces current energy usage by up to 15% through centralised control of heating, ventilation and lighting | 3-10 years |
Heat pump installation | Reduces current energy usage by up to 70% through heat extraction from outside air, water or soil using a heat pump | 5-15 years |
Lighting improvement | Reduces current usage by up to 80% by using low energy bulbs | 2-8 years |
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