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Facsimile of 1916 Proclamation


Free delivery to Republic of Ireland

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An original 1916 Proclamation, the document read by Pádraig Pearse at the start of the Easter Rising, has been on display in the General Post Office for some years.

For those looking for a souvenir of their visit to one of Dublin's most famous buildings, we have produced a fine facsimile of this historic document.

The poster size of 72 x 48cm is just slightly smaller than the 1916 printing. It retains the creases of the original, folding down into a neat 24 x 18cm.

A short explanatory note on the reverse of the poster outlines the context and conditions in which the document was produced. This is illustrated with copies of stamps commemorating 1916, making it the perfect gift for visitors to Ireland, stamp lovers or those with an interest in Irish history.

Product code 1916WP

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