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Irish Free State joins the League of Nations - National Stamp


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Centenary of the Admittance of the Irish Free State into the League of Nations.

On September 7, we issue a special stamp to commemorate the admittance of Ireland into the League of
Nations 100 years ago.

This event was a historic moment for the fledgling Irish Free State. As early as April 1919, the first Dáil had voted to seek membership to the international organisation. This objective was realised in September 1923 when a delegation led by the President of the Executive Council, WT Cosgrave and the Minister for External Affairs, Desmond FitzGerald attended the League in Geneva.

The main purpose of the intergovernmental organisation was to maintain peace through collective security, disarmament and the peaceful settlement of international disputes. Ultimately, however, its role was hampered by political upheaval leading to World War II, resulting in its dissolution and replacement by the United Nations organisation in 1946.

Product code 2310N

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