An Post Shop Terms and Conditions
Mails and Products Terms and Conditions
1. Introduction
This Agreement governs Your use of the Irish Stamps Shop service. Please read these terms and conditions carefully as they explain Your rights and responsibilities to Us and Our rights and responsibilities to You.
2. Definitions
In these terms and conditions the following expressions have the following meanings:
- 'Collector Account' means the record of Your Collectors Account Payment Methods.
- 'Intellectual Property Rights' means any copyrights, future copyright, database rights, inventions, patents, patentable material, designs, trade secrets, confidential information, know-how, trade marks, service marks or other industrial or intellectual property rights, and any applications for any of the foregoing (whether registered or not and whether registerable or not).
- 'Collectors Account' means that part of the Website accessible by You with the Security Credentials where You can use the Service.
- 'Collectors Account Payment Method' means to a) withdraw money from Your credit card/laser card and to pay it into Your Collectors Account or b) to pay money into Your Collectors Account by any of the payment methods in Schedule One.
- "Payment Instruction" means a Collectors Account Payment Method and/or Product Purchase Payment Method.
- "Product Purchase Payment Method" means Your instruction to Us to a) withdraw money from Your credit card/laser card and to use the money withdrawn to purchase Products, or b) to obtain the value from one of the payment methods in Schedule One and to use the value obtained to Purchase Products, or c) use money in Your Collector's Account to purchase Products.
- 'Products' means the products and services available for purchase on the Website.
- 'Security Credentials' means the user identification, password and password hint supplied to You by Us to enable You use the Service securely.
- 'Service' means the service on the Website permitting You to purchase Products.
- 'We', 'Us' and 'Our' means An Post having its registered office at GPO, O'Connell Street, Dublin 1 trading as Irish Stamps.
- "Website" means the website at the universal resource locator beginning
- 'You' and 'Your' means You, the customer using the Service.
These terms and condition apply to opening and operating a Collectors Account, Payment Instructions and purchasing Products on the Website and prevail over the other terms and conditions applying to the Website in the event of conflict.
3. Access to the Service
- You are responsible for obtaining and maintaining Your computer system and for ensuring that it is compatible with the Service. We have no responsibility or liability with respect to Your computer system. We will notify You of the minimum specification of computer system required to enable You to access and use the Service.
- We may need to change the minimum specification You require to access the Service at any time. We will notify You of such a change by placing a message on the Website. We do not accept responsibility if any such change in specification results in Your computer system becoming incompatible with the Service or becoming unable to perform within the Service all of the functions previously performed.
- You will be responsible for the cost of all charges You incur in accessing and using the Website.
- We cannot guarantee the speed with which You will be able to access and use the Service or that You will have uninterrupted or continuous access to the Service.
- You must not:
- Introduce or attempt to introduce any virus or any other contaminant to the Service or any of Our computer systems.
- In any way attempt to access, alter, de-compile, reverse engineer, destroy or otherwise tamper with any part of the Website or any of Our computer systems.
- Interfere with the use of another person's access to or use of the Website.
- Obtain access to information relating to another person which is on Our computer system.
- Use or attempt to use the Website or any of Our computer systems for any unlawful or immoral purpose.
- We may suspend or terminate Your access to and use of the Service, including but not limited to any Payment Instructions, at any time with or without notice if there is a valid reason in Our opinion for Us to do so, including but not limited to performing fraud checks.
- You are responsible for getting an appropriate connection with an Internet Service Provider in order to access the Service.
- We shall control, direct and establish technical procedures for using the Service (and We may vary it from time to time). You agree to follow Our instructions and adhere to Our procedures when using the Service as notified to You from time to time.
- We shall be entitled to make operational changes to and alter the facilities available under the Service at any time. We will notify You of significant changes.
- You agree that any material and/or information downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the Service is at Your own discretion and that You will be responsible for any damage to Your Equipment or loss of data that results from the download of such material and/or data.
- We shall use reasonable endeavours to keep the Service free from viruses and corrupt files but We do not warrant that the Service is free from infection by viruses or anything else with contaminating or destructive properties. We recommend that where practicable You 'virus check' information sent to You by Us. We shall not be liable for any corrupt information sent to You by Us or for any corrupt information You send to Us.
- You undertake to co-operate fully with Us in any investigation We may wish to carry out in relation to the use of the Service.
- We may place messages or directions on the Website and You should from time to time check the Website for such messages or directions. You must ensure that You update Us on any changes in Your e-mail address.
- You must notify Us immediately if You become aware of any error or any suspected error in the Service or in any transaction resulting from using it.
4. Payments through the Service
- You can pay money into Your Collector's Account by any of the Collectors Account Payment Methods.
- You can pay for Products by any of the Product Purchase Payment Methods.
- On receipt of the value of the Product Purchase Payment Methods We will send you the Products purchased. An Post will use reasonable efforts to send you the Product with three working days but will not be liable for any failure to send You Products within this time. Our obligation to send you the Products is subject to their availability and availability is not guaranteed.
- On the closure of a Collectors Account the balance in the Collectors Account will be repaid to You on request. No interest will be payable on the balance in a Collectors Account.
5. Security and Links
- To register for a Collectors Account You must choose Your Security Credentials. You must keep Your Security Credentials secret. You may not reveal Your Security Information to anyone and You may not permit anyone to access Your Collectors Account.
- Some pages on the Website may contain hypertext links to websites not maintained by Us. You are reminded that when You enter other websites via such hypertext links, You will not be subject to these terms and conditions and You will not benefit from the protections afforded to You in using the Website. We will not be liable in any way for the content, availability or use of such link to websites and You use such links entirely at Your own risk.
- No third party is permitted to link any other website to the Website without obtaining Our prior written consent.
- The use of the Website or the distribution of information on the Website may be restricted by local law or regulation in certain jurisdictions and the Website is not intended for use nor the information intended for distribution in such jurisdictions and the persons accessing the Website should inform themselves about and observe any such restrictions.
6. Warranties and Limitation of Liability
6.1 Your warranties
You warrant to Us that:
- You are entitled to issue Payment Instructions.
- You will use the Service in a lawful and proper manner.
- Your use of the Website complies with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to those principles of law which protect against compromise of copyrights, trade secrets, proprietary information and other intellectual property rights, libel or defamation of character, invasion of privacy or tortious interference.
6.2 Limitation of Our liability
- If we fail to comply with these Terms and Conditions, we are responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is caused by and which is a foreseeable result of our breach of these Terms or our negligence. Evidence of loss or damage will be required.
- We do not compensate for all losses caused by us or by our products / services.
- We are not responsible for losses you suffer if the loss if is:
- not foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if it is an obvious consequence of our breach or if it was anticipated by you and us at the time we entered into the agreement for the service / product;
- Unexpected. It was not obvious that it would happen
- not as a result of our breach or caused by your failure to comply with any of these Terms and Conditions;
- Caused by a delay or an event outside our control.
- Avoidable. Something you could have avoided by taking reasonable action.
- A business loss. if it relates to your use of a service or a product for the purposes of your trade, business, or profession, for example, loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption or loss of business opportunity.
7. Intellectual Property Rights
- The Intellectual Property Rights in the Website and the information set out on it belongs to Us or Our licensors and may not be copied, transmitted or reproduced without Our prior consent. All copyright, trademark and other proprietary notices must be left intact.
- Save as otherwise specified the contents of all the pages contained in the Website are copyright of Us or Our licensors.
- Reproduction of part or all of the contents of the Website in any form is prohibited other than in accordance with the following permissions. You are granted a non-exclusive, non transferable licence solely for the purpose of using the Website and any services available on the Website. You may make one electronically stored, transient copy of these pages of the Website for the exclusive purpose of on-line viewing. You may make one hard copy of these pages for exclusively non-commercial purposes.
- Save where otherwise specified the author(s) of the literary and artistic work set out in the pages contained in the Website has/have asserted his/her/their moral rights to be identified as the author of these works.
- This licence does not permit incorporation of the material or any part of it in any other work or publication, whether in hardcopy or electronic or any other form. In particular (but without limitation) no part of the Website may be distributed or copied for any commercial purpose.
- No part of the Website may be reproduced on or transmitted to or stored in any other website or other form of electronic retrieval.
8. Data Privacy and Protection
- You acknowledge that We will receive information which is confidential to You and accept that this will be used only for the provision of the Service and will not be divulged to any third party for any reason other than to ensure the normal operation of the Service. Please click here to read Our privacy statement
9. Notices
- Any notice to be served on You may be sent by electronic mail to the electronic mail address notified by You to Us and shall be deemed to be received by You 72 hours after being sent. Any notice to be served on Us may be sent by electronic mail to the electronic mail address notified by Us to You and shall be deemed to be received by Us 72 hours after being sent.
10. Cancellation
- You may exercise your right to cancellation by emailing and you will be entitled to a refund provided that the items have been returned to us. We may withhold reimbursement until we have received the goods back or you have supplied evidence of having returned the goods, whichever is the earliest. The cancellation period will expire 14 days after your receipt of your ordered items.
11. Termination
We can suspend the supply of a product or service to:
- Deal with technical problems or make minor technical changes; or
- Update the product to reflect changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements
- You can terminate Your use of the Service by giving Us written notice by traditional post or emailing
- We may end Our agreement with You at any time. We will give You at least 30 days prior notice if We wish to end Our agreement with You. However We may give You a shorter period of notice (provided that such notice is reasonable in all the circumstances): where security requires it; or in circumstances beyond Our control; or in the event of fraud; or Your failure to observe and comply with these Legal Terms.
- If the Agreement is terminated for any reason, it shall continue in force to the extent necessary to give effect to those of its provisions which expressly or implied have effect after termination.
- Upon termination We shall at Our discretion either carry out or refuse to carry out any outstanding Payment Instruction You may have given to Us.
12. Amendments to these terms and conditions
We may make changes:
- To reflect changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements;
- To make minor technical adjustments and improvements, for example to address a security threat.
The contents of the Website including these terms and conditions are subject to change by Us by notification on the Website and/or to the e-mail address notified by You to Us at Our discretion.
13. General
- Each of these Legal Terms is separate from all other Legal Terms, so that if one Legal Term is found to be invalid or unenforceable this will not affect the validity of any of the other Legal Terms.
- If We do not enforce any of the rights We have under these Legal Terms, or if We delay in enforcing them, that does not stop Us from taking any action to enforce Our rights in the future.
- The headings used in these Legal Terms are for ease of reference only and shall not affect the meaning of these Legal Terms.
14. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
- The Website is established in Ireland in accordance with the laws of Ireland and will be governed by the laws of Ireland. When You use the Website, You accept that Your use of the Website and any information on the Website will also be governed by the laws of Ireland and if any claim or dispute arises from Your use of the Website or any information on it, You agree that the Irish Courts will have non-exclusive jurisdiction over all such claims or disputes.
15. Schedule One
- Cheque/bank draft in euro drawn on a bank in the euro zone.
- (Euro cheques and drafts, over €275, drawn on a non Irish bank will incur bank charges). Cash (Euro, Sterling and US dollars) - by registered mail only.
- Cheque in US dollars drawn on a US bank.
- Cheque in Canadian Dollars drawn on a Canadian Bank.
- Cheque in Sterling drawn on a UK Bank.
- Euro Giro Service – Check with you local Postal Operator.
- Bank Transfer using the following details:
- Irish Stamps IBAN No: IE51 BOFI 9000 1770 9738 87, Irish Stamps BIC Code: BOFIIE2D at Bank of Ireland, College Green, Dublin
An Post Mobile General Terms and Conditions
A: This Agreement
- Your Agreement with us
- Your Agreement is with An Post Mobile and the following Terms apply to your use of the Services. Your use of the Services is governed by these Terms together with (a) your Contract Summary (b) the terms and conditions of your specific Plan as set out in Schedule A and (c) our privacy policy which together form the Agreement. Any other An Post Mobile products and services including Add-ons, Equipment and any promotions may be subject to their own separate terms and conditions. All An Post Mobile terms and conditions can be found here.
- When our Agreement starts
- Our Agreement starts on the date we accept your request to use the Services, which is the earlier of (a) when you place credit on your Account or (b) when you first use your mobile phone or SIM Card on the An Post Mobile network.
- Our Service
- We will use reasonable care and skill in providing the Services to you. However, the Services are only available within our coverage area. Information regarding our coverage area and estimated maximum mobile internet coverage in any particular geographical area is available on the Comreg website here. Due to the nature of mobile services, we are not in a position to guarantee or offer any minimum service levels as to the quality and availability of the Service other than as set out in this Agreement. You may experience issues, from time to time, which impact the quality and availability of the Services. The Services may be affected by a number of local factors, such as building materials, tree cover, weather conditions, the number of people using the network, damage to the network and so on. We cannot guarantee that your Service will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, error-free, or that it will meet your specific requirements.
- An Post Mobile’s network performance is continuously monitored and during busy periods on our network traffic may need to be managed to ensure everyone has access to services. We endeavour to ensure that the service received by our customers is not impacted through a small number of users, or a particular promotion, placing high demand on network resources. In general, you will not notice any difference however if for any reason traffic is exceptionally busy you may experience a temporary impact on your service such as slower speed.
- Table 1 below sets out the estimated maximum download and upload speeds for your mobile internet service that we provide as part of your Agreement. An Post may publish updates to Table 1 from time to time, as required. However, your contracted estimated maximum speed is that which applied at the time your Agreement for services with An Post commenced.
Table 1Network Estimated Maximum Download Estimated Maximum Upload 4G 10Mbps 3Mbps - The estimated maximum speeds set out in Table 1 are those which you would realistically be able to achieve in different locations. However, it is important to highlight that the exact speeds experienced across the network may vary, depending on a number of factors outside of An Post’s control including, but not limited to, your location, your surroundings, your device capability, your selected plan, network traffic, network coverage and network signal.
- If you experience any continuous or regularly recurring discrepancy between the actual performance of your speed, or other quality of service parameters and the performance indicated above, then please contact us and we will attempt to diagnose and resolve your issue. We will endeavour to resolve your issue as soon as possible within 10 working days. In exceptional circumstances longer resolution times may need to apply. Any complaints will be managed in accordance with our Code of Practice for Complaints Handling which is available here. If having gone through this process it is still not possible for An Post Mobile to remedy a situation where you are not continuously or regularly achieving the speeds that we have communicated and, where the relevant facts are established by a monitoring mechanism certified by ComReg, this may constitute non-conformity of performance for the purposes of triggering the right to seek potential remedies available to you under Irish law, whereby you may be entitled to issue legal proceedings for (a) damages; (b) restitution; or (c) rescission of your contract. Please note that such remedies are subject to the provisions of your Agreement with An Post and are without prejudice to any other rights you may have under law, including, without limitation, your rights under consumer protection legislation, such as the Consumer Rights Act 2022 and the Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980, or your rights at common law.
- Changes to our Agreement
- We will give you a minimum of one month’s notice of any change(s) to your Agreement. Following receipt of a notification you will have the option to terminate the Agreement without penalty during that one month’s notice period. The right to terminate this Agreement will not apply if the change(s) are (i) exclusively to your benefit, (ii) of a purely administrative nature and have no negative effect on you, or (iii) are directly imposed by law. You can send your notice of termination to us by email to Your continued use of the Service after this one month notice period has expired represents your acceptance of any changes.
- If you want to End our Agreement
- Cooling-Off Period
- If you entered this Agreement as a “distance contract” within the meaning of Consumer Rights Act 2022 i.e. online via the An Post Mobile website, then you have the right to cancel your order without giving any reason any time up to 14 days (the “Cooling Off Period”) from:
In respect of Sim Services – the later of :-
(i)the date of entering into this Agreement; or
(ii)receiving confirmation in writing of your terms and conditions; and
In respect of Equipment:
(i)the date your Equipment is delivered to you. - This right is subject to us receiving the notice within the Cooling Off Period and, in the case of Equipment the return of all Equipment provided to us. Where you have used the products or services to avail of mobile services before the expiry of the Cooling Off Period you will be liable for any diminished value of the products or services. You will be liable for any diminished value of goods resulting from the handling of goods beyond that necessary to establish their nature, characteristics and functioning.
- To exercise your right to cancel you must notify us before the expiry of the Cooling Off Period and you can do this using the cancellation form.
- If you request the performance of this contract to commence during the Cooling Off Period and subsequently cancel the contract within that period, you will be liable to pay An Post reasonable costs for any Services provided up to the cancellation date. These costs will be proportionate to the extent of the Services rendered at the time of cancellation.
- If you entered this Agreement as a “distance contract” within the meaning of Consumer Rights Act 2022 i.e. online via the An Post Mobile website, then you have the right to cancel your order without giving any reason any time up to 14 days (the “Cooling Off Period”) from:
- During the Term
Our Agreement with you is a contract of indeterminate duration meaning that it does not have a set or defined term. You are free to cancel this Agreement at any time either by emailing us at and giving us 30 days’ notice in writing or on the completion of the Porting process.
- Cooling-Off Period
- How we can end our Agreement
- We may end our Agreement at any time by emailing you and giving you 30 days’ notice in writing.
- We may also end our Agreement immediately if:
- You breach any of the provisions of Part C 1 (a) of this Agreement;
- You breach any other term of our Agreement and do not put it right within 7 days of our asking you to;
- You fail any credit or fraud prevention check or where we reasonably suspect fraud or money laundering by you or someone using your Account;
- You repeatedly breach our fair usage policy where such a policy applies to your Plan or Add on.
- You give us information about yourself which we reasonably believe to be false or misleading;
- You fail to abide by the terms and conditions applicable to any Add on or promotion made by An Post Mobile;
- We are no longer able to provide the Services to you despite making all reasonable efforts to do so.
- Rights continue after our Agreement ends
The ending of our Agreement shall not affect any rights of action or liabilities that may already have come into existence before it ends. In particular, you will be charged for all Charges incurred made prior to your termination. - How we can suspend or limit the Services
We may suspend or restrict your use of the Services immediately if:- You do any of the things listed above which would allow us to end our Agreement;
- You breach our Agreement
- You breach any legal requirements which may apply to your use of the Services;
- You tell us that your mobile phone or SIM Card has been lost or stolen;
- We need to carry out repairs, maintenance or improvements to the Services (and we will try to restore the Services as soon as we can). Occasionally we may have to restrict your access to the network and/ the Services for short periods of time to carry out emergency work (for example if there are security or integrity incidents, threats or vulnerabilities). If we do so we will try to minimise the impact of this on you and restore your access to the network and/or the Services as soon as possible. We will use reasonable endeavours to notify you before this happens but sometimes this will not be possible.
- We are told to by the Government, the emergency services or any other competent or lawful authority;
- You are abusive, make threats, repeatedly cause a nuisance or annoyance or otherwise act illegally towards our staff or property, or that of our agents; or
- You do anything or permit anyone else to do anything which we reasonably think adversely impacts An Post Mobile; or
- It appears to us that there is an unusual use of the An Post Mobile Service (for example, the volume or destination of calls increases significantly).
- Where more than one user is set up under an Account, we may suspend use by any or all of those users.
- Charges
- You agree to pay the Charges for the Services as set out in Tables 2, 3 & 4 below. The Charges may be updated by us in accordance with Part A. 4 of this Agreement.
- Calls are charged at an initial connection charge or minimum charge for one minute, and then in one second increments, rounded up to the nearest second and then rounded up to the nearest cent.
- Each time you use your mobile phone and you incur charges, the credits associated with your Account will be reduced by the charges incurred. It is up to you to decide how much credit to load onto your Account. If your account has no credits you will still be able to receive incoming calls, but you will not be able to make outgoing calls or access any content online.
- Charges will include VAT where applicable.
- All charges are rounded up to the nearest second, then up to the nearest cent.
- A text message is billed for every 160 characters used, when you go over 160 characters it is billed as another message. Texts exclude premium rate texts.
- The automatic tariff on all An Post Mobile phones and SIM cards is the standard price plan.
- ‘Anyone’ refers to calls (including calls to voicemails) made to any person on any Republic of Ireland network (mobile and landline and including An Post Mobile) in the Republic of Ireland.
- ‘Anytime’ means that the charge is the same regardless of the time of day, or day of week. The cost is the same for daytime, evening and weekends.
- ‘Flat Rate’ means that the same price is charged all the time and is the same to everyone you call or text (as included in the Plan).
- All Bundles/Plans/Promotion tariffs excludes all other call charges including premium, lo-call, and other special numbers.
- All 'Add-ons' purchased 2024 for texts, calls and data will expire after 28 days. Any unused 'Add-on' minutes, texts or data (where applicable) will be lost after 28 days.
Table 2
Standard Charges (Out of Bundle)Type of Call or Text Rate per Minute or Message or MB Time Landlines - Republic of Ireland €0.30 Any time Mobiles - Republic of Ireland - any network €0.30 Any time Texts - Republic of Ireland €0.15 Any time Mobile Data - Republic of Ireland €0.15 per MB Any time
Table 3
Directory Enquiries
Minimum Duration of Directory Enquiry Calls is 1 Minute at €1.50 per MinuteNumber Cost per Minute Connection Cost Minutes included in Connection Cost 11818 €1.50 €1.50 1 Minute 11888 €1.50 €1.50 1 Minute 11850 €1.50 €1.50 1 Minute 11860 €1.50 €1.50 1 Minute 11811 €1.50 €1.50 1 Minute 11827 €1.50 €1.50 1 Minute 11890 €1.50 €1.50 1 Minute
Table 4
International Calling From Ireland
*A List of the countries included in Bands 1, 2 & 3 are set out below in section F Definitions.Region Calls to landlines Calls to Mobiles Texts EU €0.23 per minute €0.23 per minute €0.07 per characters Band 1* €0.50 per minute €0.50 per minute €0.20 per 160 characters Band 2* €1.00 per minute €1.00 per minute €0.20 per 160 characters Band 3* €2.00 per minute €2.00 per minute €0.20 per 160 characters
- Top Up
- Services are paid for on a prepay basis by purchasing top up credit either online or at a Post Office or other specified retail outlets which you then add to your account. You must top up by the specified minimum amount in your Plan (in one go) every 28 days (or every 31 days if on Auto Top-up) to activate your Plan. When you top up by the specified minimum amount for example €18 for the €18 Plan, the bundle will activate. If you top up by a lesser amount this amount will be applied to your account balance as general credit outside of your Plan and the standard An Post mobile rates as set out in Tables 2, 3 &4 above will apply in respect of your general credit. It is not possible to activate a Plan using existing credit you may have on your account balance.
- Topping up by more than the specified minimum cost of your Plan will not extend your bundle for a longer period and any excess over and above the value of your Plan will be applied to your account as general credit. For example, if you are on a €18 Plan and you top up by €20, this top up will activate your €18 bundle and a further €2 will be applied to your account as general credit.
- Where all credit on your account has been used you will not be able to send texts, use mobile data or make calls (with the exception of calls to the emergency services).
- There is no carry forward of unused bundle allowance when your Plan expires or if you change Plans. Unused general credit however will carry over to your next Plan.
- Unless you opt not to receive it, a reminder to top up to continue to avail of your Plan will be sent via SMS prior to expiry of the Plan period. An Post Mobile does not warrant or represent that it shall send such a reminder and it shall not be responsible for any liability incurred by customers because of its failure to do so.
- International Top-up Bundles: Customers are able to pre-purchase International Minutes Bundles of either100 or 400 international minutes: when calling from the Republic of Ireland to a mobile or landline number in another country. Details of International Add-ons are available here.
- Topping Up Your Plan
- Each Plan lasts for 28 days (or 31 days if on Auto Top Up). However once your bundle has been exceeded, a further top up of general credit or an Add On purchase may be required before the expiry of the 28 day period.
- If you top up by the relevant amount of your Plan (i.e. €18 for the €18 Plan) a second time before the end of the initial 28 day period, a second 28 day period will begin and both bundles will be active and available for use for their respective time periods. If you do not wish to have two bundles running concurrently, we recommend that you do not top up by the relevant amount of your Plan until the expiry of each 28 day period. Where a third top up by the relevant amount of your Plan is made within the same 28 day period, this will be applied as General Credit.
- Switching your Plan
- If you wish to switch from your Plan to a different Plan offered by An Post Mobile you can do so by contacting Customer Care via email to or by phone at 0818 789 789.
- Porting Out
- If you port your number out from An Post Mobile you will lose any remaining credit immediately on the Port being completed. You are entitled to a refund, on request to us, of any remaining credit that you have put on your account. A request for refund must be received within 3 months of switching and an administration fee may apply to the processing of this refund. To request a refund please contact An Post Mobile Customer Care by email at
- Your use of An Post Mobile(a
- You must use the Services in accordance with the law, our Agreement and any other reasonable instructions we give you. In particular, you may not, nor may you allow anyone else to, use An Post Mobile (whether to make a Call, send or receive a Message, upload or download Content, or whether connected to a computer):
- for any unlawful purpose;
- in any way which is, or is intended to be, malicious, fraudulent or a hoax (including to the emergency services);
- to breach our rights or the rights of any third party (for example, copyright);or
- in any way which may damage or affect the operation or quality of An Post Mobile, the Internet or any other telecommunications system.
- If you do not comply with any provision of this paragraph, you will compensate us for all liabilities, claims, and damages, losses and costs (including legal costs) which we may suffer as a result.
- You must keep confidential all passwords you have nominated in connection with your Agreement. We cannot disclose information about your account to anyone until we are satisfied as to their identity, and they have correctly quoted any passwords to us.
- You agree:
- to provide us with such information as we reasonably request in connection with this Service Agreement and that all factual information you provide to us is correct:
- You agree that you are procuring the SIM card, mobile handset and the An Post Mobile Service solely for your own use and that you will not re-sell or otherwise act as any form of distributor in respect of the SIM Card, mobile handset or the An Post Mobile Service.
- You must use the Service in accordance with your Agreement and any other reasonable instructions we give you. Whilst we provide the Service to you, you authorise us to act on your behalf in all dealings with any provider (as applicable) with whom we consider it necessary or useful to deal with in connection with the Service.
- If the SIM card or your mobile handset is lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed you will be responsible for any charges incurred until you have informed us.
- If you do not comply with any provision of this paragraph, you will compensate us for all liabilities, claims, damages, losses and costs (including legal costs) that we suffer as a result.
- You must tell us immediately if anyone makes or threatens to make any claim against you because of your use of An Post Mobile.
- An Post Mobile is a consumer service and is provided by us to you as a consumer for your private, personal and non-commercial use If you use the Services for commercial purposes, you will be in breach of this Agreement and will not be entitled to rely on consumer rights legislation.
- You may apply 'Add-on' credit to Your Account by means of any of the methods made available by An Post Mobile from time to time and may thereafter make Calls or Texts or use data (depending on the Add-on purchased) for a period of 28 days. The amount of the credit will reduce as a result of calls being made. No calls or texts may be made once all credit has been used (with the exception of calls to the emergency services and to the number 1747 or such other number as we may specify). No data credit may be used once all credit has been used. You may continue to receive calls and texts for a period of 180 days following the date on which credit is last applied to your account. It is up to you to decide how much credit to load onto your account. If your account has no credit you will still be able to receive incoming calls, but you will not be able to make outgoing calls or texts, or access any content, or use roaming.
- You must use the Services in accordance with the law, our Agreement and any other reasonable instructions we give you. In particular, you may not, nor may you allow anyone else to, use An Post Mobile (whether to make a Call, send or receive a Message, upload or download Content, or whether connected to a computer):
- Our duty to you
- We will at all times use the reasonable skill and care of a competent service provider in providing the Services to you in accordance with and subject to our Agreement, but we shall not be responsible for any delay or failure to provide An Post Mobile for reasons beyond our reasonable control.
- Services may not be available in certain areas of the Republic of Ireland as outlined in Part A. 3 of these Terms.
- Some Services (e.g. 4G) may only work with other compatible handsets and networks.
- Where we supply you with goods; we have a legal obligation to supply goods that conform with this contract and in accordance with the Sale of Goods and General Supply of Services Act 1980 (as amended) and the Sale of Goods Act 1893 (as amended).
- If your Mobile Phone or SIM Card is misused or stolen
- An Post Mobile will have no liability to you or any other person for the loss, theft, accidental damage or unauthorised use of your Mobile Phone or SIM Card.
- Every An Post Mobile SIM Card remains our property. You must take adequate precautions to prevent damage to, unauthorised use or theft of your SIM Card.
- You must inform Customer Care immediately by telephone if your Mobile Phone is lost, stolen, damaged, destroyed or likely to be used in an unauthorised manner so that we can cancel your Mobile Phone or SIM Card and prevent further unauthorized use.
- If your Mobile Phone or SIM Card is stolen you will, until you notify us, be liable for any credit on your Account that is used.
- International Services
- Your use of any roaming services (sending or receiving calls or texts or using data outside the Republic of Ireland) will be in accordance with the EU Roaming Regulations. Access to certain local networks will depend upon any arrangements between local network operators and us. Special charges may apply to the use of services outside of the Republic of Ireland. Under the EU Roaming Regulations, you can use calls, texts and data from your Plan while roaming in the EU in the same way you use the allocation domestically however this is subject to a fair usage limit. A fair usage limit applies to all Plans while roaming in the EU (and UK). Please see Schedule A for details of fair usage limit for your Plan. All usage in excess of your Plan and/or the fair usage limit will be charged at the rates set out in Table 5 below. For all other destinations your Plan allocations cannot be used while roaming and you will be charged at the rates set out in Table 5 below while roaming. To find out more about using An Post Mobile abroad, please contact Customer Care or visit our Website.
Table 5
Roaming ChargesRoaming Charges (maximum charges inclusive of VAT) Region
Call any mobile or Landline Receiving a call Sending a text Receiving a text Mobile Data EU & UK Min 60 second charge €0.19 per minute Free €0.0 per 160 Characters Free €1.30 per GB any time USA & Canada €1.50 per minute €1.50 per minute €0.30 per 160 character €0.30 per 160 characters
€6.15 per MB any time
All other Countries
€2.00 per minute
€2.00 per minute
€0.30 per 160 characters
€0.30 per 160 characters
€6.15 per MB any time
- Your use of any roaming services (sending or receiving calls or texts or using data outside the Republic of Ireland) will be in accordance with the EU Roaming Regulations. Access to certain local networks will depend upon any arrangements between local network operators and us. Special charges may apply to the use of services outside of the Republic of Ireland. Under the EU Roaming Regulations, you can use calls, texts and data from your Plan while roaming in the EU in the same way you use the allocation domestically however this is subject to a fair usage limit. A fair usage limit applies to all Plans while roaming in the EU (and UK). Please see Schedule A for details of fair usage limit for your Plan. All usage in excess of your Plan and/or the fair usage limit will be charged at the rates set out in Table 5 below. For all other destinations your Plan allocations cannot be used while roaming and you will be charged at the rates set out in Table 5 below while roaming. To find out more about using An Post Mobile abroad, please contact Customer Care or visit our Website.
- Directory Services
Upon request by you, we will include your name and Mobile Phone number in the National Directory Database. You may, when you request us to include your name and Mobile Phone number on the National Directory Database, also request that we indicate your preference on the National Directory Database to receive third party marketing calls on your Mobile Phone. - Calling Line Identification
The Network will display your Mobile Phone number on the receiving handset (calls, texts etc.). If you wish to change this, refer to your Mobile Phone’s user guide. - Account Validity and Mobile Number Reclaim
- Your An Post Mobile phone number and SIM Card is valid and will remain active for as long as you are using your Mobile Phone regularly.
- If you do not make a credit top up to your Account for 6 months, your Account and any outstanding credit on your Account will be suspended. If this happens you may reactivate your Account by calling Customer Care. We will reactivate your Account, and any previously unused credit you had on your Account will be available to you again.
- After your Account has been suspended, you have a further one month during which you can have it reactivated by calling Customer Care. If you do not ask us to reactivate your Account we will assume that you no longer need it (as you will not have used it for 7 months) and it will be fully deactivated and this Agreement will be terminated. This means your SIM Card will no longer work, you will lose any unused Credit you may have had, and your Mobile Phone number can be claimed back by An Post Mobile and given to another customer.
- Number Porting
We will transfer your existing number for you within 2 hours of starting the process, at a time to be agreed with you. - Mobile Phone Locking
- Your Mobile Phone may be locked to the An Post Mobile Network. You must not insert another operator’s SIM card into the mobile without an unlocking code (which is not your PIN code). We will on request provide an unlocking code after a qualifying period. Failure to enter the correct unlocking code may result in your mobile phone becoming permanently blocked. We accept no responsibility for mobile phones blocked in this way. Please contact our customer care team for further information on the qualifying period, applicable conditions.
- This clause does not apply if you have purchased a SIM Card only and, at the time of purchase of the SIM Card, you are connected to a network other than the An Post Mobile Network.
- Delivery
- We will endeavour to deliver any products you order from the Website within 72 hours of your account order within the island of Ireland, where this is practical. However, products are subject to availability and delays may sometimes occur that are outside of our control. Any dates specified for delivery are therefore approximate only. If delivery is delayed for more than 21 days, you have the right to contact us and refuse to accept the products. In these circumstances, we will refund any money paid by you for those products and any delivery monies you have been charged. However, we will not be responsible for any other losses, costs, damages or charges that you may suffer if we delay in supplying or do not supply those products. At the time of delivery you will be required to validly sign-off on the delivery of the products, after which time the products become your sole responsibility. Any breakages or damages must be reported within 24 hours of purchase/delivery.
- Mobile Phone Repairs
If your mobile phone develops a fault then you should contact the manufacturer in the first instance. The contact details for the manufacturer can be found on the mobile phone user guide or from Customer Care from any other phone. - Returns and Exchanges
- If your mobile phone becomes faulty within the first 14 days of purchase, then you are entitled to a fully boxed replacement phone, or a refund, as you prefer.
- If you bought your phone online, please call Customer Care.
- If you bought your phone in a Post Office, then you should return it at the Post Office. Please have your receipt with you as proof of purchase and ensure that all elements of the phone are included with the packaging i.e. charger, SIM card, battery, Welcome Guide and phone handbook.
- If you prefer, you can also log your repair directly with the repair company on
- Internet Service
- The An Post Mobile SIM allows you to access the internet and its content (subject to your data allowance, where applicable) either by Downloading or by Streaming to a Mobile Phone, SIM enabled Tablet or similar mobile device. It is Your responsibility to ensure the Services are available in the area(s) you expect to use the Services. We will at all times use the reasonable skill and care of a competent service provider in providing the Services to you in accordance with and subject to our Agreement, but we shall not be responsible for any delay or failure to provide Services for reasons beyond our reasonable control.
- We cannot guarantee service on phones not purchased from An Post Mobile or on other devices (e.g. Wi-Fi Routers or similar devices). The internet service is available on all An Post Mobile smart phones, unless you ask us to suspend it.
- Downloading is where a copy of the Content is installed onto your mobile phone for future use by you in accordance with the applicable terms and conditions.
- Streaming is a live feed of data from an external source to your mobile phone where no copy of the Content is installed onto your mobile phone (other than temporarily to display the Content).
- Where Content is delivered by way of downloading, you may save the Content on your mobile phone but (unless expressly permitted) you are not allowed to save the Content elsewhere; and each separate request by you to download that Content (i.e. each copy sent to you) will be charged separately.
- Where Content is delivered by way of streaming: you are not allowed to save the Content and each request for that Content (i.e. each viewing) will be separately charged.
- Prior to your requesting our Internet service, you should ensure that:
- Your mobile phone or tablet (or any similar access device) is compatible and enabled to access the internet and receive the selected Content.
- Internet coverage is adequate in the area(s) where you expect to use the device.
- (Where the Content is to be downloaded) you have sufficient memory capacity available to receive and save the Content once downloaded;
- your mobile phone remains switched on and connected to the network for the duration of the download/streaming.
- Access to secure financial transactions may be dependent on the make and model of your mobile phone and the third party supplier of Content.
- You will comply with the terms and conditions and/or acceptable use policies of any third party Content providers.
- Your dealings with third parties using the Services unless explicitly stated by us, are solely between you and the person with whom you are dealing. We are not responsible for any losses or damages that may arise from any such dealings.
- We do not accept responsibility for third party websites nor are we liable for their Content. You are responsible for all information that you upload, email or otherwise transmit via your mobile phone and/or the Internet.
- Content may be protected by copyright, trade mark registration or other intellectual property rights, so you are prohibited from editing or modifying Content, copying, distributing or forwarding the Content to one or more third parties or allowing third parties to access it, without the consent of the owner of such copyright, trade mark or other intellectual property rights.
If you receive malicious or nuisance calls, please call Customer Care.
16. Adult Content and Premium Rate Services
- Adult Content and some premium rate services are not automatically blocked on our network.
- You must ensure that the Services are not used for any unlawful or improper purpose. An Post Mobile reserves the right to terminate this Agreement for breach of this term.
- Access to making premium rate calls is not automatically blocked and these numbers can be called where a credit balance is available to cover the cost of the call, this service can be blocked by calling Customer Service. Access to the mobile internet service can be disabled by calling Customer Services; the mobile internet service cannot be partially disabled. Sending premium rate SMS services are not possible on the An Post Mobile network.
- If you wish to un-subscribe from a premium rate service you have signed up to you need to contact that premium rate service provider directly to un-subscribe from the service.
- If you have an issue with any aspect of the Services, please call Customer Care from any other phone and we will do our best to resolve it. In dealing with your complaint An Post Mobile will follow the process outlined in the An Post Mobile Code of Practice for Complaints Handling which is available here.
- If at the end of this procedure you feel your complaint has not been addressed properly, you can contact Comreg, the Communications Regulator.
18. Accessibility
We’re committed to making our Services easy to use by everyone, including our customers with disabilities. For more information, please see here.
Privacy and use of personal information- We will use your personal information:
- for the purposes of supplying the An Post Mobile services as described in this Agreement, including sending you service messages in connection with the An Post Mobile Services and network;
- for the purposes of compliance with our legal obligations;
- for marketing purposes (where you have agreed, or we are otherwise permitted and you have not objected); and
- for such other purposes set out in our data protection policy or to which you may have consented.
- We will handle your personal information in accordance with our data protection policy. Our data protection policy is set out on our Website available here. It includes details of the personal information that we collect, how it will be used, and who we pass it to.
Any queries or complaints regarding our use of the personal data and/or the exercise of your individual rights should be addressed to:
The Data Privacy Office, An Post, GPO, O'Connell Street Lower, Dublin 1, D01 F5P2 or by email to
You must let us know if you change your name, address, telephone number or email address.- We do not exclude or restrict our liability for
- death or personal injury caused by our negligence
- fraud, or
- any of our liabilities that cannot by law be restricted.
- If you transfer ownership of your Mobile Phone and SIM to another person they will be subject to this Agreement. We can transfer all or any part of our Agreement with you at any time provided the service you receive is not significantly reduced. I
- If at any time we do not require you to comply with any part of your Agreement with us, this does not prevent us from asking you to at a later time.
- If any part of our Agreement is found to be invalid by any Court or other regulatory or competent body, the invalidity will not affect the rest of the Agreement, which shall remain in force.
- Any notices or communications that you send to us must be sent to customer care at An Post Mobile 6th Floor EXO Building North Wall Quay Dublin 1. Any notices or communications that we send to you will be sent by text message to your mobile phone number. All notices or other communications will be deemed to have been received 24 hours after sending.
- Our Agreement is governed by Irish law and any disputes about our Agreement will be decided exclusively in the Irish courts.
- Our failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the terms of use shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision unless acknowledged and agreed to by us in writing.
- The section titles in the terms of use are solely used for the convenience of the parties and have no legal or contractual significance.
F: Definitions
An Post Mobile: An Post Mobile is a registered trading name of An Post, a company incorporated in Ireland (registered company number 98788) having its registered office at GPO, O’Connell Street, Dublin 1Add-on(s): an optional extra which you can buy for access to, or reduced charges for, certain calls, texts or data services during any single month.
Band 1 Countries: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Canada, Faroe Islands, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Monaco, Moldova, New Zealand, Russia, San Marino, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, USA, Uzbekistan.
Band 2 Countries: Algeria, Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Argentina, Aruba Burundi, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Burundi , Cameroon, Cayman Islands, China, Colombia, Congo, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Gabon, Ghana, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guam, Guatemala, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Malawi, Malaysia, Mariana Is., Mexico, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Netherlands Antilles, Nevis, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Reunion Island, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Singapore , South Africa, South Korea, Sri Lanka, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & The Grenadines, Syria, Taiwan, Tanzania (Zanzibar), Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia, Turks & Caicos Islands, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam, Virgin Islands, Zambia.
Band 3 Countries: Afghanistan, Angola, Ascension, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cape Verde, Central African Rep, Chad, Chile, Christmas Islands, Cocos, Comoros And Mayotte, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Cuba, Diego Garcia, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Falkland Islands, Fiji, French Guiana, French Polynesia, Gambia, Greenland, Guinea (Rep. Of), Guinea Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Ivory Coast, Kiribati, Laos, Liechtenstein, Madagascar, Maldives Islands, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Micronesia, Midway Island, Mongolia, Montenegro, Montserrat, Myanmar, Nauru Is., Nepal, New Caledonia, Nicaragua, Niger, Niue, Norfolk Is. & Antarctica, North Korea, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Pitcairn Is., Rodriguez Is., Samoa, Sao Tome & Principe, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Is., Somalia, St. Helena, St. Pierre And Miquelon, Sudan, Surinam, Swaziland, Togo (Togolese Rep), Tokelau, Tonga, Tristan De Cunha, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wake Is., Wallis & Futuna Islands, Western Samoa, Yemen, Zaire, Zimbabwe
Charges: the charges for the Services as published on the Website here and as set out in Tables 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this Agreement.
Content: Any information (whether textual or visual), software, photos, video, graphics, audio and other material appearing on or available through the An Post Mobile Services including all information supplied by third parties.
Contract Summary: the contract summary provided to you prior to the conclusion of your contract with An Post Mobile summarising the details of the services to be provided to you.
Customer Care: the customer support and care channels which we offer to you, which can be contacted via email at or by phone at 0818 789 789 from the ROI or +353 17057700. From abroad.
Equipment: the mobile phone supplied to you by An Post Mobile
EU Roaming Regulations: Regulation (EU) 2022/612 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 April 2022 on roaming on public mobile communications networks within the Union (recast)
Plan: the price plans made available by us for Services chosen by you the details of which are set out in Schedule A.
Porting: the transfer of a phone number for use from one network to another network
Terms: these general terms and conditions on which you agree to avail of the Services.
Services: the mobile data, calls and /or texts services you choose to receive from us from time to time including your Plan and any optional extras or Add-ons.
SIM Card: the subscriber identity module card or digital subscriber profile (eSIM) which allows you to receive and use the An Post Mobile Services.
An Post Mobile Contract Summary €18
Download An Post Mobile Contract Summary €18- This contract summary provides the main elements of this service offer as required by EU law.
- It helps to make a comparison between service offers.
- Complete information about the service is provided in other documents.
Mobile voice and data services of the Totally Unlimited Data with Calls & Texts Plan.
Top up by €18 to receive Unlimited Data, 3000 minutes, 3000 texts for use in ROI, fair usage 25 GB Data, 250 minutes and 250 texts to use in EU Roaming and United Kingdom.
Speeds of the Internet Access Service and Remedies
Network Type | Estimated Maximum Download | Estimated Maximum Upload |
4G | 10Mbps | 3Mbps |
Where your mobile number has had several or re-occurring unresolved technical issues for poor / intermittent connections or continuous slow internet service speeds, and this is verified by a monitoring mechanism certified by ComReg or to An Post’s satisfaction, then you shall be entitled to terminate your contract without penalty. If you are experiencing an issues relating to data speeds contact Customer Service team on or call 0818 789 789.
Price | Cost | |
| |
| |
Duration, Renewal and Termination
Contract Minimum Term 0 months. The contract commences from date of service going live.Contract renews on each €18 or more top up.
Prepay service: By continuing to top up every 28 days or if set up on Auto-Top up expiry of 31 days applies.
Features for End-Users with Disabilities
An Post services are designed for end-users and in particular are intended to be compliant with the European Union (Accessibility Requirements of Products and Services) Regulations 2023. Please see or contact for information on the products and services for customers with individual requirements.Other Relevant Information
The customer acknowledges that this contract relates to a consumer plan and if they proceed to enter a contract in relation to the plan they will not be treated as a Taxable Person for the purposes of section 2 of the Value Added Tax Consolidation Act 2010.Schedule A
Download Schedule A €18 Unlimited Plan
Totally Unlimited Data with Calls & Texts €18 Plan
The following terms and conditions of the An Post Mobile Totally Unlimited Data with Calls & Texts €18 Plan (the “Plan”) are in addition to and form part of the An Post Mobile General Terms and Conditions General Terms. In the event of any conflict the specific terms and conditions below shall prevail.Part 1 – Your Plan
- The Plan includes 3,000 minutes, 3,000 texts and Unlimited data.
- The Plan applies for 31 days following your top up if you are using Auto Top Up and for 28 days following your top up if you are manually topping up.
- You must top up by €18, in one go, every 28 days (or every 31 days if you are using Auto Up).
- Any unused calls, minutes and data in your Plan expire 31 days after being applied if you are using Auto Top Up, otherwise 28 days after being applied.
- Topping up by more than €18 will not extend your Plan for a longer period.
- Top Up amounts paid above the €18 Plan cost will be added as General Credit for usage in excess of your Plan allowance or for usage not covered by your plan e.g. premium rate calls
- The Plan excludes international calls, roaming in non-EU countries and calls to directory enquiries, premium rate numbers or any non-standard number.
- All calls or texts which are not included in the Plan will be charged from your General Credit at Standard Rates published at Tables 2, 3 & 4 of Part B of the General Terms and Conditions.
- You can use calls, texts and data from your Plan while roaming in the EU in the same way you use the allocation in Ireland however this is subject to a fair usage limit. A fair usage limit of 25 GB of data and 250 minutes and texts applies to your Plan while roaming in the EU (and UK). All usage in excess of your Plan and/or the fair usage limit will be charged at the rates set out in Table 5 of the General Terms and Conditions. For all non-EU destinations your Plan allocations cannot be used while roaming and you will be charged at the rates set out in Table 5 of the General Terms and Conditions while roaming.
An Post Mobile Contract Summary €15
Download An Post Mobile Contract Summary €15
- This contract summary provides the main elements of this service offer as required by EU law.
- It helps to make a comparison between service offers.
- Complete information about the service is provided in other documents.
Mobile voice and data services of the Data, Calls & Text €15 or €18 Plan.Top up by €15 to receive 25GB Data, 3000 minutes, 3000 texts for use in ROI, (Note: Top up by €18 to receive 120GB, 3,000 minutes, 3,000 texts) with fair usage of 25GB Data, 250 minutes and 250 texts to use in EU Roaming and United Kingdom.
Speeds of the Internet Access Service and Remedies
Network Type | Estimated Maximum Download | Estimated Maximum Upload |
4G | 10Mbps | 3Mbps |
Where your mobile number has had several or re-occurring unresolved technical issues for poor / intermittent connections or continuous slow internet service speeds, and this is verified by a monitoring mechanism certified by ComReg or to An Post’s satisfaction, then you shall be entitled to terminate your contract without penalty. If you are experiencing an issues relating to data speeds contact Customer Service team on or call 0818 789 789.
Price | Cost |
Activation Price | €0 |
Monthly Price Plan: [€15/€18 An Post Mobile] | €15 or €18 as per your choice |
Total (Including VAT) | €15 or €18 as per your choice |
Duration, Renewal and Termination
- Contract Minimum Term 0 months. The contract commences from date of service going live.
- Contract renews on each €15/ €18 or more top up.
- Prepay service: By continuing to top up every 28 days or if set up on Auto-Top up expiry of 31 days applies.
Features for End-Users with Disabilities
An Post services are designed for end-users and in particular are intended to be compliant with the European Union (Accessibility Requirements of Products and Services) Regulations 2023. Please see or contact for information on the products and services for customers with individual requirements.Other Relevant Information
The customer acknowledges that this contract relates to a consumer plan and if they proceed to enter a contract in relation to the plan they will not be treated as a Taxable Person for the purposes of section 2 of the Value Added Tax Consolidation Act 2010.Schedule A
€15 or €18 Data, Calls & Texts Plan
Download Schedule A €15 or €18 Plan
The following terms and conditions of the An Post Mobile €15 or €18 Data, Calls & Texts Plan (the “Plan”) are in addition to and form part of the An Post Mobile General Terms and Conditions General Terms. In the event of any conflict the specific terms and conditions below shall prevail.Part 1 – Your Plan
- The Plan includes 3,000 minutes, 3,000 texts and 25GB of data.
- Note: €18 top up includes 3,000 minutes, 3,000 texts and 120GB of data.
- The Plan applies for 31 days following your top up if you are using Auto Top Up and for 28 days following your top up if you are manually topping up.
- You must top up by €15 or €18, as per your choice, in one go, every 28 days (or every 31 days if you are using Auto Up).
- Any unused calls, minutes and data in your Plan expire 31 days after being applied if you are using Auto Top Up, otherwise 28 days after being applied.
- Topping up by more than €18 will not extend your Plan for a longer period.
- Top Up amounts paid above the €18 Plan cost will be added as General Credit for usage in excess of your Plan allowance or for usage not covered by your plan e.g. premium rate calls
- The Plan excludes international calls, roaming in non-EU countries and calls to directory enquiries, premium rate numbers or any non-standard number.
- All calls or texts which are not included in the Plan will be charged from your General Credit at Standard Rates published at Tables 2, 3 & 4 of Part B of the General Terms and Conditions.
- You can use calls, texts and data from your Plan while roaming in the EU in the same way you use the allocation in Ireland however this is subject to a fair usage limit. A fair usage limit of 25GB of data and 250 minutes and texts applies to your Plan while roaming in the EU (and UK). All usage in excess of your Plan and/or the fair usage limit will be charged at the rates set out in Table 5 of the General Terms and Conditions. For all non-EU destinations your Plan allocations cannot be used while roaming and you will be charged at the rates set out in Table 5 of the General Terms and Conditions while roaming.
An Post Mobile Contract Summary €12.99
Download Schedule A €12.99 Plan- This contract summary provides the main elements of this service offer as required by EU law.
- It helps to make a comparison between service offers.
- Complete information about the service is provided in other documents.
Mobile voice and data services of the Talk & Data Plan for €12.99.Top up by €12.99 to receive 50 GB Data, 500 minutes to any network, 300 minutes and 300 texts between An Post Mobile customers for use in ROI, fair usage 25 GB Data, 250 minutes to use in EU Roaming and United Kingdom.
Speeds of the Internet Access Service and Remedies
Network Type | Estimated Maximum Download | Estimated Maximum Upload |
4G | 10Mbps | 3Mbps |
Where your mobile number has had several or re-occurring unresolved technical issues for poor / intermittent connections or continuous slow internet service speeds, and this is verified by a monitoring mechanism certified by ComReg or to An Post’s satisfaction, then you shall be entitled to terminate your contract without penalty. If you are experiencing an issues relating to data speeds contact Customer Service team on or call 0818 789 789.
Price | Cost |
Activation Price | €0 |
Monthly Price Plan: [€12.99 An Post Mobile] | €12.99 |
Total (Including VAT) | €12.99 |
Duration, Renewal and Termination
- Contract Minimum Term 0 months. The contract commences from date of service going live.
- Contract renews on each €12.99 or more top up.
- Prepay service: By continuing to top up every 28 days or if set up on Auto-Top up expiry of 31 days applies.
Features for End-Users with Disabilities
An Post services are designed for end-users and in particular are intended to be compliant with the European Union (Accessibility Requirements of Products and Services) Regulations 2023 Please see or contact for information on the products and services for customers with individual requirements.Other Relevant Information
The customer acknowledges that this contract relates to a consumer plan and if they proceed to enter a contract in relation to the plan they will not be treated as a Taxable Person for the purposes of section 2 of the Value Added Tax Consolidation Act 2010.Schedule A
Download Schedule A €12.99 Talk & Data Plan€12.99 Talk & Data Plan
The following terms and conditions of the An Post Mobile €12.99 Talk & Data Plan (the “Plan”) are in addition to and form part of the An Post Mobile General Terms and Conditions General Terms. In the event of any conflict the specific terms and conditions below shall prevail.Part 1 – Your Plan
- The Plan includes 500 any network minutes, 300 minutes & 300 texts between An Post Mobile customers and 50GB of data.
- The Plan applies for 31 days following your top up if you are using Auto Top Up and for 28 days following your top up if you are manually topping up.
- You must top up by €12.99, in one go, every 28 days (or every 31 days if you are using Auto Up).
- Any unused calls, minutes and data in your Plan expire 31 days after being applied if you are using Auto Top Up, otherwise 28 days after being applied.
- Topping up by more than €12.99 will not extend your Plan for a longer period.
- Top Up amounts paid above the €12.99 Plan cost will be added as General Credit for usage in excess of your Plan allowance or for usage not covered by your plan e.g. premium rate calls
Part 2 - Exclusions & Roaming
- The Plan excludes international calls, roaming in non-EU countries and calls to directory enquiries, premium rate numbers or any non-standard number.
- All calls or texts which are not included in the Plan will be charged from your General Credit at Standard Rates published at Tables 2, 3 & 4 of Part B of the General Terms and Conditions.
- You can use calls, texts and data from your Plan while roaming in the EU in the same way you use the allocation in Ireland however this is subject to a fair usage limit. A fair usage limit of 25 GB of data and 250 minutes applies to your Plan while roaming in the EU (and UK). All usage in excess of your Plan and/or the fair usage limit will be charged at the rates set out in Table 5 of the General Terms and Conditions. For all non-EU destinations your Plan allocations cannot be used while roaming and you will be charged at the rates set out in Table 5 of the General Terms and Conditions while roaming.
Add-On Top Up Terms
Download Add-On Terms and ConditionsThe following terms and conditions of the An Post Mobile Add-On Top Up Options (“Add-Ons”) are in addition to and form part of the terms and conditions of the An Post Mobile Service which are available here. In the event of any conflict between the terms the specific terms and conditions below shall prevail.
Part 1 – Available Add-Ons
An Post Mobile customers can choose to purchase more minutes, international minutes, texts or data at an additional cost. There are four types of Add-Ons available for purchase: -Data Add Ons
Data Price Validity 512 MB €3 28 days 1 GB €5 28 days 3 GB €10 28 days 6.5GB €20 28 days Minute Add-Ons
Minutes Price Validity 35 minutes €3 28 days 75 minutes €5 28 days 150 minutes €10 28 days Text Add-Ons
Text Price Validity 35 texts €3 28 days 75 texts €5 28 days 150 texts €10 28 days International Minutes Add-Ons
Minutes Price Validity 100 International Minutes €5 28 days 400 International Minutes €15 28 days
- The International Minutes Add-Ons include international calls to mobiles and landline numbers in eligible destinations made from the Republic of Ireland and excludes other call types/messages. Eligible countries to call from ROI are listed here.
- All ‘Add-on(s)' purchased for texts, minutes, data and international minutes will expire after the 28 day validity period. Any unused Add-On minutes, texts or data (where applicable) will be lost after 28 days
- General credit may also be purchased outside of your Plan. General credit will not activate your Plan and will be applied to your account and can be used for calls, texts and data when your Plan and/or Add-On expires. General credit does not expire while your account remains active. General credit can be purchased in the following amounts: -
- €5
- €10
- €20
- €30
Part 2 Exclusions & Roaming
- Data, Minutes, Text and International Minute Add-Ons are not valid for use when roaming.
- General credit can be used when roaming.
- Add-On Texts are not valid for short code SMS e.g. competition lines or premium rate SMS
- International minute Add-Ons are for calling from ROI to an international destination only. They cannot be used to make or receive calls and/or texts when you are outside of the Republic of Ireland
- All calls or texts which are not included in your Plan or an Add-On which you have purchased will be charged from your general credit at the Standard Rates published at Tables 2, 3 & 4 of Part B of the General Terms and Conditions.
6 Months International Minutes
The following are the terms and conditions of the An Post Mobile One Month Free + 6 Months International Minutes Promotion (the “Promotion”) and are in addition to and form part of the terms and conditions of the An Post Mobile General Terms and Conditions which are available on our website.- The start date of this Promotion is 3 March 2025 and the end date is 31 May 2025.
- This Promotion only applies to customers switching their mobile number from another network provider to An Post Mobile.
- The Promotion can only be claimed once per mobile number.
- The Promotion will consist of eligible customers receiving a free month of their chosen Plan. This free month will be given in a text message to the number that was switched in the form of a top up voucher in advance of your first month expiry. The An Post Mobile 100 International Minutes Add-On will also be applied to your account for the first six (6) consecutive months after the initial top-up. Please visit this link.
- The first month payment must be paid when switching to An Post Mobile.
- This Promotion applies to the following Plans (“Plan”):
- Talk & Data @ €12.99;
- Data, Calls & Texts @ €15.00/ €18;
- Totally Unlimited Data with Calls & Texts @ €18.00.
- The 100 International Minutes Add-On will be applied to the switched number at the start of each month for 6 months after the initial top-up month, provided you top up by your Plan value in each of these 6 months.
- Any unused International Minutes from your Add-On will expire at the end of each month.
- If you port your number out from An Post Mobile, this Promotion will cease.
- If you port your number out from An Post Mobile and then back in to An Post Mobile, you cannot avail of this Promotion.
Download An Post Mobile terms and conditions
- An Post Mobile General terms and conditions
- An Post Mobile Promotion One Month Free & 6 Months International Minutes
- An Post Mobile contract summary 12 99 euro
- Schedule A 12 99 plan
- An Post Mobile contract summary 15 euro
- Schedule A 15 or 18 plan
- Schedule A 18 unlimited plan
- An Post Mobile contract summary 18 euro
- Add on top up terms
- Cancellation form