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Bicentenary of the RHA - Pair of National Stamps


Free delivery to Republic of Ireland

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We are delighted to mark the bicentenary of one of the oldest cultural institutions in Ireland this year by issuing two stamps on April 20.

The Royal Hibernian Academy of Arts (RHA) was founded in 1823, following a campaign by the Society of Artists in Ireland to have their works exhibited. Our two ‘N’ denomination stamps feature photographs that reflect the important role of the Academy.

One shows the RHA Exhibition/Gallery — the Academy supports contemporary art and artists through the provision of exhibition space at its building in Ely Place, Dublin, which houses five gallery spaces. Our second stamp has a photograph of the RHA Art School at the same venue.

The Academy offers training and education services to artists operating across a range of disciplines.
A 32-county body with charitable status, the RHA membership comprises the disciplines of architecture, painting, sculpture and print (including photography).

The stamps should be of great interest to not only those directly engaged in artistic endeavour throughout Ireland, but all those who love and appreciate the value of creative art.

Product code 2306ST

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