Re-ImagineNation Competition!

We want you to reimagine your favourite story. Your entry will be judged by some of Ireland's best children's book authors and illustrators and you could win a great prize!
How to enter
Simply follow the steps below to be in with a chance to win the great prizes!- Draw a scene from a book you love.
- Include yourself as a character.
- Tell us why this is your favourite book in 20 words.
- There are two age categories: 6 - 9 years and 10 - 12 years.
- Entries can be up to A3 size but A4 size is preferable.
- Applications to Re-ImagineNation are by post only.
- Multiple entries can be submitted in one envelope as long as there is an application form for each entry
Application Form
- Please Note: If you do not have access to a printer, you can copy the headings onto a sheet of paper, fill it in and include it in your envelope along with the artwork.
- All postal entries must be received on or before 5pm on Friday 14th of August 2020 to be deemed eligible.
- Download, print and complete the application form.
- In a stamped envelope include your drawing and the completed application form.
- Send your entry to:
PO Box 13206
Rutland Place
Dublin 1
There will be one winner and one runner up from each category.
- The winners will receive a year’s supply of books (12 books) which they can choose themselves and a €100 voucher for the Art and Hobby Shop. The winning artwork will also be added to a post-box in their community.
The runner ups will received a €100 voucher for Easons.
Winners will be announced no later later then Friday 25th of September 2020.