How to cancel an order
21 June 2021
*Please remember you cannot cancel a manifested order using eCommerce Hub. You will need to contact the carrier or your partner directly.
- Bulk cancel from the dashboard
- Cancel single shipment from the dashboard
- Cancel from the shipment overview page
- From the Dashboard, in any of the buckets (With errors, Ready to Print, or Ready to Ship), tick the box on the left side of the orders you want to cancel.
- Above the tick boxes, on the left side, click Bulk Actions to open the drop-down menu.
- Select Cancel in the drop-down menu and then click Apply.
- A dialogue box will open asking you to Confirm deleting Shipment, click Confirm.
- From the Dashboard, in any of the buckets (With errors, Ready to Print, or Ready to Ship), when you hover your cursor over an order, three quick actions will appear on the right side of that order: Print, Edit, and Cancel.
- Click Cancel.
- A dialogue box will open asking you to Confirm deleting Shipment, click Confirm.
- From the Dashboard, if you enter the order number in the search box on the right side of the page, or manually search for it and click the order number, you will be brought to the shipment overview page.
- On the right side of this page, you will see three options: Edit, Print, and Cancel.
- Click Cancel.
- A dialogue box will open asking you to Confirm deleting the Shipment, click Confirm.