Enjoy a range of discounts on domestic bulk mail
Find out more about the range of discounts we offer to business customers who send large volumes of mail nationwide.

Need help to send large volumes of mail abroad?
Try our International Bulk Mail or M-Bag services to send large volumes of discounted mail abroad.
Contact an Account Manager
For more information on all your posting needs, get in touch with an Account Manager who will find the best postage option for you and your business.
Self-service for greater efficiency
Stamp printer
Simple to use, flexible and cost-effective, our EasyPost stamp printer helps you manage your post in-house.
Prepaid posting under special licence, Ceadúnas means you no longer need to stamp or frank individual items.
Our integrated parcel labelling system, Autolynk, lets you produce an all-inclusive single posting label at your business premises.
Make it easy for your customers to contact you
Help your customers to reply to you quickly with our range of business response services including Business Reply, Freepost and our international business response service.
Apply now

Cut your publication distribution costs
Learn more about our special discounts for publishers of newspapers and periodicals.

Pre-sort your mail with our Sort It tool
Our handy Sort It tool helps you to use services which require pre-sorting including our bulk mail discount services, Publication Mailing and PostAim.
Choose Reach+ for maximum impact
Use the power of mail to market your business and get your message directly into the hands of your target audience with Reach+.

Reach customers worldwide with our parcel solutions
Expand your business online with our range of parcel solutions, designed to meet the needs of your business and your customers.
Get in Touch
Talk to an account manager to find out how we can help you.