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Scan & Print

21 June 2021

How to set up Scan & Print. 
First, you will need to contact our Support team to enable the Scan and Print function on your account.
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Once you have downloaded Printnode and enabled it by logging in using the correct credentials, please follow the below steps:
  1. Log in to ECommerce Hub
  2. From the menu bar on the left click Setup, and Company Setup
  3. Click Print Settings
  4. You will now see a section here entitled "Autoprint settings"
    You will need to select the printers for:
    • Thermal printer name - 6x4-inch documents
    • Plain printer name - A4 documents (not required but best practice to select in case it is needed in the future)
  5. Tick the box for Sound enabled if you would like a confirmation sound upon printing when using Scan and Print
  6. Click Save
    • These settings are user-specific so each user will have to select the printer for using Scan and Print.
  7. To open the Scan and Print page, from the dashboard click Ready to Print, and then click the green Scan & Print button in the top right of the page
  8. You are now ready to begin using Scan and Print!
Printing from Multiple Workstations
Printnode must be installed on each workstation. If there is a different printer required for each workstation, then a separate ECommerce Hub user is required for each to allow different default printers to be set per workstation. The same Printnode account is used for each. 

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