eCommerce Hub Shipment Rules
21 June 2021
Adding a new rule
- The rules are located in the Setup section on your dashboard, under Automation.
- To create a new rule, click the green box titled Add a rule in the top right of this page.
- You will now see the Rule configuration page. Here you will set:
- The name for the rule, we recommend using something specific such as “Domestic Under 2kg”,
- The conditions for the rule, such as consignments under 2kg to within the UK,
- You can use any number of conditions in your rules use single or multiple values, e.g. as a list of postcodes or SKUs of certain items that have special requirements for shipping.
- The actions for the rule are specific to each warehouse and service to be used, such as Express Parcel with Signature.
- Some Considerations:
- If creating consignments via API, and the option selected in the rule is “Automatically select warehouse”, the warehouse specified in the API call will be used.
- When selecting the warehouse, there is an option titled “automatically select warehouse. If this is selected, the default warehouse will be used.
Rule Priorities
The rules run in order from top to bottom in the list and the first rule that a consignment matches is applied. This means if you have some specific rules such as items that have special requirements for shipping, they go towards the top of the list, and the more generic or catch-all rules go lower in the list.Activate/Deactivate Rules
- A rule that is not active will never apply to a consignment.
- You can deactivate rules if you do not want to use it for a period of time, or if you occasionally do a promotion for free priority shipping for all orders for example.
- To deactivate a rule from the list simply click the button titled Deactivate.
- To deactivate a rule while editing/creating it, simply untick the box titled Active and then click Save.
Rule Conditions
The conditions are:Condition Name | Notes |
Order value | The total value across all packages in the consignment |
Order item count | Total number of items across all packages in the consignment |
Order number | Can be used to separate orders from different marketplaces like eBay and Amazon |
Shipment width | Measured in Centimetres |
Shipment height | Measured in Centimetres |
Shipment weight | Measured in Kilograms - The total weight across all packages in the Consignment |
Shipment length | Measured in Centimetres |
Shipment import day | The day the consignment is imported to eCommerce Hub |
Shipment import time | 24hr format - the time the consignment is imported to eCommerce Hub |
Shipment package type | Not the package type set by the rule |
Recipient name | Combines first and last name fields. e.g. <John> <Smith> would be <John Smith> in the rule |
Recipient email | |
Recipient phone | |
Ship to Address line 1 | |
Ship to Address line 2 | |
Ship to Address line 3 | |
Ship to City | |
Ship to State | Also County or Region |
Ship to ZIP/Postcode | |
Ship to Country | You can use full names or 2-letter ISO codes for this |
Package Item SKU | The SKU of any item in the consignment |
Package Count | Total number of packages in the consignment |
Package weight | Measured in kilograms - the total weight of individual packages |
Item name | The name of any item in the consignment |
Shipping Method | Usually, the shipping method selected checkout. Via the API, this can also be used as a custom field. |
Custom Field 1 & Custom Field 2 | These can be mapped to other required fields outside of the above. |
Rule Operators
The operators are part of the conditions and specify the condition.The operators are:
Operator | Field Format | How it works | Example |
equals to | Numeric or Text / String | matches the exact value | an order value of <20> or shipping method of <Express> |
lower than | Numeric | the value in the order is lower than the exact value specified | a shipment length of less than <30> |
greater than | Numeric | the value in the order is greater than the exact value specified | a shipment weight of greater than <2> |
is not equal to | Numeric or Text / String | does not match the exact value | or a shipping method that isn't <Express> |
lower than or equal to | Numeric | the value in the order is lower than or equal to the exact value specified | a package count of 3 or fewer |
greater than or equal to | Numeric | the value in the order is greater than or equal to the exact value specified | a total item count of 5 or more in the order |
is in | Text / String | the value in the order is one of a list | if you want to specify a rule for certain countries: <GB, IE, FR, ES, PT, DE> |
contains | Text / String | the value in the condition is found anywhere in that field in the order | any <Express> shipping method |
Wildcards / Grouping Values
You can use an asterisk to group together values which have common values such as starts with / ends with / contains. To do this add an asterisk to the value in the rule.
Example | Format |
Postcode starts with "BT" (For Northern Ireland) | <Ship to ZIP/Postcode> <is in> <BT*> |
SKU ends with “6000” | <Package Item SKU> <is in> <*6000> |
Commonly used lists:
We have included below some commonly used lists of areas and countries names and their corresponding 2-letter ISO codes for your reference and use in rules.
Scottish Highlands & Islands postcodes:
HS1*, HS2*, HS3*, HS4*, HS5*, HS6*, HS7*, HS8*, HS9*, IV1*, IV2*, IV3*, IV10*, IV11*, IV12*, IV13*, IV14*, IV15*, IV16*, IV17*, IV18*, IV19*, IV20*, IV21*, IV22*, IV23*, IV24*, IV25*, IV26*, IV27*, IV28*, IV29*, IV30*, IV31*, IV32*, IV36*, IV40*, IV41*, IV42*, IV43*, IV44*, IV45*, IV46*, IV47*, IV48*, IV49*, IV50*, IV51*, IV52*, IV53*, IV54*, IV55*, IV56*, KA27*, KA28*, KW1*, KW2*, KW3*, KW5*, KW6*, KW7*, KW8*, KW9*, KW10*, KW11*, KW12*, KW13*, KW14*, KW15*, KW16*, KW17*, PA20*, PA21*, PA22*, PA23*, PA24*, PA25*, PA26*, PA27*, PA28*, PA29*, PA30*, PA31*, PA32*, PA33*, PA34*, PA35*, PA36*, PA37*, PA38*, PA39*, PA40*, PA41*, PA42*, PA43*, PA44*, PA45*, PA46*, PA47*, PA48*, PA49*, PA60*, PA61*, PA62*, PA63*, PA64*, PA65*, PA66*, PA67*, PA68*, PA69*, PA70*, PA71*, PA72*, PA73*, PA74*, PA75*, PA76*, PA77*, PA78*, PH17*, PH18*, PH19*, PH20*, PH21*, PH22*, PH23*, PH24*, PH25*, PH26*, PH30*, PH31*, PH32*, PH33*, PH34*, PH35*, PH36*, PH37*, PH38*, PH39*, PH40*, PH41*, PH42*, PH43*, PH44*, PH49*, PH50*, ZE1*, ZE2*, ZE3*
Northern Ireland, Isle of Man & Isles of Scilly:
BT*, IM*, TR21*, TR22*, TR23*, TR24*, TR25*
EEA Countries:
Austria | AT | Italy | IT |
Belgium | BE | Latvia | LV |
Bulgaria | BG | Liechtenstein | LI |
Croatia | HR | Lithuania | LT |
Cyprus | CY | Luxembourg | LU |
Czech Republic | CZ | Malta | MT |
Denmark | DK | Netherlands | NL |
Estonia | EE | Norway | NO |
Finland | FI | Poland | PL |
France | FR | Portugal | PT |
Germany | DE | Romania | RO |
Greece | GR | Slovakia | SK |
Hungary | HU | Slovenia | SI |
Iceland | IS | Spain | ES |
Ireland | IE | Sweden | SE |
List for use in rules:
All countries and their associated 2-letter ISO codes:
Afghanistan | AF | Liberia | LR |
Albania | AL | Libya | LY |
Algeria | DZ | Liechtenstein | LI |
American Samoa | AS | Lithuania | LT |
Andorra | AD | Luxembourg | LU |
Angola | AO | Macao | MO |
Anguilla | AI | Macedonia | MK |
Antarctica | AQ | Madagascar | MG |
Antigua and Barbuda | AG | Malawi | MW |
Argentina | AR | Malaysia | MY |
Armenia | AM | Maldives | MV |
Aruba | AW | Mali | ML |
Australia | AU | Malta | MT |
Austria | AT | Marshall Islands (the) | MH |
Azerbaijan | AZ | Martinique | MQ |
Bahamas | BS | Mauritania | MR |
Bahrain | BH | Mauritius | MU |
Bangladesh | BD | Mayotte | YT |
Barbados | BB | Mexico | MX |
Belarus | BY | Micronesia | FM |
Belgium | BE | Moldova | MD |
Belize | BZ | Monaco | MC |
Benin | BJ | Mongolia | MN |
Bermuda | BM | Montenegro | ME |
Bhutan | BT | Montserrat | MS |
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) | BO | Morocco | MA |
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba | BQ | Mozambique | MZ |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BA | Myanmar | MM |
Botswana | BW | Namibia | NA |
Bouvet Island | BV | Nauru | NR |
Brazil | BR | Nepal | NP |
British Indian Ocean Territory | IO | Netherlands | NL |
Brunei Darussalam | BN | New Caledonia | NC |
Bulgaria | BG | New Zealand | NZ |
Burkina Faso | BF | Nicaragua | NI |
Burundi | BI | Niger | NE |
Cabo Verde | CV | Nigeria | NG |
Cambodia | KH | Niue | NU |
Cameroon | CM | Norfolk Island | NF |
Canada | CA | Northern Mariana Islands | MP |
Cayman Islands | KY | Norway | NO |
Central African Republic | CF | Oman | OM |
Chad | TD | Pakistan | PK |
Chile | CL | Palau | PW |
China | CN | Palestine, State of | PS |
Christmas Island | CX | Panama | PA |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | CC | Papua New Guinea | PG |
Colombia | CO | Paraguay | PY |
Comoros | KM | Peru | PE |
Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) | CD | Philippines | PH |
Congo | CG | Pitcairn | PN |
Cook Islands | CK | Poland | PL |
Costa Rica | CR | Portugal | PT |
Croatia | HR | Puerto Rico | PR |
Cuba | CU | Qatar | QA |
Curaçao | CW | Romania | RO |
Cyprus | CY | Russian Federation | RU |
Czechia | CZ | Rwanda | RW |
Côte d'Ivoire | CI | Réunion | RE |
Denmark | DK | Saint Barthélemy | BL |
Djibouti | DJ | Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha | SH |
Dominica | DM | Saint Kitts | KN |
Dominican Republic | DO | Saint Lucia | LC |
Ecuador | EC | Saint Martin (French part) | MF |
Egypt | EG | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | PM |
El Salvador | SV | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | VC |
Equatorial Guinea | GQ | Samoa | WS |
Eritrea | ER | San Marino | SM |
Estonia | EE | Sao Tome and Principe | ST |
Eswatini | SZ | Saudi Arabia | SA |
Ethiopia | ET | Senegal | SN |
Falkland Islands | FK | Serbia | RS |
Faroe Islands | FO | Seychelles | SC |
Fiji | FJ | Sierra Leone | SL |
Finland | FI | Singapore | SG |
France | FR | Sint Maarten (Dutch part) | SX |
French Guiana | GF | Slovakia | SK |
French Polynesia | PF | Slovenia | SI |
French Southern Territories | TF | Solomon Islands | SB |
Gabon | GA | Somalia | SO |
Gambia | GM | South Africa | ZA |
Georgia | GE | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | GS |
Germany | DE | South Sudan | SS |
Ghana | GH | Spain | ES |
Gibraltar | GI | Sri Lanka | LK |
Greece | GR | Sudan | SD |
Greenland | GL | Suriname | SR |
Grenada | GD | Svalbard and Jan Mayen | SJ |
Guadeloupe | GP | Sweden | SE |
Guam | GU | Switzerland | CH |
Guatemala | GT | Syrian Arab Republic | SY |
Guernsey | GG | Taiwan | TW |
Guinea | GN | Tajikistan | TJ |
Guinea-Bissau | GW | Tanzania, United Republic of | TZ |
Guyana | GY | Thailand | TH |
Haiti | HT | Timor-Leste | TL |
Heard Island and McDonald Islands | HM | Togo | TG |
Holy See | VA | Tokelau | TK |
Honduras | HN | Tonga | TO |
Hong Kong | HK | Trinidad and Tobago | TT |
Hungary | HU | Tunisia | TN |
Iceland | IS | Turkey | TR |
India | IN | Turkmenistan | TM |
Indonesia | ID | Turks and Caicos Islands | TC |
Iran (Islamic Republic of) | IR | Tuvalu | TV |
Iraq | IQ | Uganda | UG |
Ireland | IE | Ukraine | UA |
Isle of Man | IM | United Arab Emirates | AE |
Israel | IL | United Kingdom | GB |
Italy | IT | United States Minor Outlying Islands | UM |
Jamaica | JM | USA | US |
Japan | JP | Uruguay | UY |
Jersey | JE | Uzbekistan | UZ |
Jordan | JO | Vanuatu | VU |
Kazakhstan | KZ | Venezuela | VE |
Kenya | KE | Viet Nam | VN |
Kiribati | KI | Virgin Islands (British) | VG |
Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of) | KP | Virgin Islands (U.S.) | VI |
Korea (the Republic of) | KR | Wallis and Futuna | WF |
Kuwait | KW | Western Sahara | EH |
Kyrgyzstan | KG | Yemen | YE |
Lao People's Democratic Republic | LA | Zambia | ZM |
Latvia | LV | Zimbabwe | ZW |
Lebanon | LB | Åland Islands | AX |
Lesotho | LS |