With an approved Ceadúnas logo, denoting payment of postage, printed on your envelopes, you will no longer need to stamp or frank individual items.
How does prepaid postage (Ceadúnas) work?
Apply for Ceadúnas through our online licence platform, Licences.ie
Alternatively, fill in the Ceadúnas application form (PDF, 99KB) and return to An Post Mails Revenue, Freepost, General Post Office, O'Connell St. Lower, Dublin 1, D01 F5P2
Draw up a docket for each individual posting with details of the number of items posted at each rate, product codes and the total number of items presented
Ceadúnas mail can be dropped into any of our designated acceptance offices or mail centres.
You can also arrange to have your post collected for an annual fee of €4,599
All Ceadúnas mail must be presented before 3pm in Dublin and 4pm for other counties.
What does prepaid postage (Ceadúnas) cost?
Prices for Ceadúnas depend on the quantity of mail you send. Ceadúnas mailings must be paid for in advance of, or at the time of, posting except where a postal deposit account is used or where payment is through our central billing system.
You can register to pay at your chosen bulk acceptance office or mail centre or open a postal deposit account. For further information about becoming a Ceadúnas customer, call us on 353 (1) 705 7600.
In addition to the savings you make by eliminating the need to stamp or frank individual items, you can achieve further savings by availing of the bulk mail discounts we offer to large volume mailers.