eCommerce Index Research
At An Post we carry out extensive market research so that we can better understand and meet the needs of our customers while also gaining insights into changes in consumer behaviours and expectations when shopping online. Over the past year we have invested in our eCommerce Index with our research partners IPSOS/Behaviours & Attitudes. Download our latest eCommerce research.This research provides insight on where Irish consumers are spending online, the products they are purchasing, how much they are spending and how often, the channels they are using and their expectations on eCommerce vendors in relation to delivery times and returns policies.
A staggering 95% of Irish adults shopped online in 2023 illustrating the potential for Irish businesses to bolster and expand their eCommerce offering. The index is a tool for all Irish businesses to use, demonstrating how they can prepare for ecommerce trading and where they should be investing time in their service offering to grow their business.
The period from October to December, now commonly known as ‘Peak’ in the eCommerce world, is the most important trading time for many businesses. We know from our research that this is when customers are shopping and spending more online. Planning now for that important sales period is crucial for every business.
We want to share our research and learnings with businesses so that they can make any necessary plans now to have a fantastic peak 2024.
The eCommerce Team at An Post will always be on hand to support eCommerce retailers and can provide a number of supports to ensure the growth of your online business offering. Get in touch with us at
Background to An Post’s eCommerce Index
An Post has conducted eCommerce research with IPSOS/Behaviour & Attitudes across 2023 and 2024.Research Methodology
Ipsos B&A have conducted four waves of consumer studies with a sample of 1,500 Adults 16+ per wave. All data are controlled & weighted in terms of age, gender, socio-economic class and region to be representative of the adult population of the Republic of Ireland.Waves were conducted on the following dates:
- W1 2024 - 11-28 March 24
- W3 2023 - 21 Nov-12 Dec 23
- W2 2023 - 10-27 Aug 23
- W1 2023 - 17 Apr-2 May 23
Online shopping frequency continues to grow, especially amongst younger customers
- Over the last year, on average, 33% of 16-24 year olds shop online weekly, 29% of 25-34 year olds.
- Waves 2 & 3 of the research were conducted in the 2nd half of 2023, showing the frequency for shopping increases during this timeframe.
- Irish businesses should prepare for increased demand for online shopping in the 2nd half of 2024
- Q.1 Over the past 12 months, on average how often have you purchased physical goods online (excluding groceries)?

What is driving customers to shop online and what should businesses promote/be aware of?
Irish businesses should promote the convenience of using their website, the choice they offer to consumers and their delivery times, demonstrating how customers can save time by shopping online with them.
Where are consumers buying their goods
Retailer Websites, App’s or Marketplace are the main outlets where consumers are buying their goods. There is a small rise in the use of social media amongst younger customers.- 19% of online ordering for beauty products & clothing by 16–24 year-olds was through social media profiles (14% W1, 17% W2)
- Apps are being used by 1 in 4, while retailer social media (Instagram/TikTok/other) is at 12%.
- Age influencing social use: For the under 35s Instagram used by 11% while TikTok is at 7%. 35-44s prefer to use apps and websites.

Clothing remains the top category online
Growth is evident in other categories such as toys, electronics and jewellery, particularly at Christmas.October – December are peak trading times for eCommerce retailers
94% of Adults plan to shop over the Christmas period.
Q.21b Thinking about the following Christmas gift items, which, if any, are you planning to buy or have you bought?
- 81% of customers claimed to be using Irish websites for Christmas gift shopping.
- Black Friday deals kick start to the peak trading - 56% of customers were influenced by deals around this time.
- Top 2 categories for using any Irish websites were toys 90% and gift vouchers 93%.
- Nearly half (44%) who use Irish websites did so for faster delivery.
Over a third of Irish customers are only shopping on Irish websites
Customers are looking for more information when buying online
Consumers are seeking reassurance about the items they are buying online. An Post suggests that Irish businesses provide delivery timelines and size guides on their websites, and should promote no hidden fees – which can occur when buying internationally.
Customers are looking for a mix of online and in store experiences

To grow sales Irish eCommerce retailers should promote:
- Their Irish-ness or presence in Ireland
- No import charges
- Speed of delivery
Price & Promotion are important for Irish customers
Online deals, and social media influencers are important for all customers, but particularly if Irish business are targeting a younger audience.- 79% of all purchases are under €100 with the sweet spot being pricing between €25-49.
- 56% of respondents said exclusive online deals or discount codes influenced their online purchase, with a higher incidence 16-24 year olds at 73% and 25-44 year olds at 64%
- 29% were influenced by social media or online ads.
- 30% were influenced by a recommendation, content or ad from an influencer or celebrity followed on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, etc. This was higher for 16-24 year olds at 73%
Irish eCommerce retailers should explain delivery times and returns policies on their websites
Giving customers certainty will help increase sales.- 58% of customers agree that if they could be guaranteed delivery dates/times, it would encourage them to buy more online.
- 50% of customers believe that returning items bought online is difficult.
- 79% of customers are looking for a seamless online and in store experience.
- 49% of customers like when online retailers suggest new categories of products.
Subscription services continue to grow
42% of 16-24 year old's now have a subscription service - subscriptions are a great way to satisfy customers and create loyalty.Pet supplies
When it comes to Pets, 52% Adults bought pet supplies overall with 21% purchasing online.Dogs & Cats are the main pets bought for with food, treats, bedding and toys being the main item.Ethical & Sustainability Credentials are important to Irish customers
- 61% agree ‘The ethical credentials of online retailers is important'
- 52% agree that sustainability and environmental credentials of retailers is important to them.
An Post’s Top Tips to get ready for October –December Peak Trading 2024
- Irish customers are looking for both in-store and online experiences, and for any retailer or new company starting out we would recommend having an online store or presence to promote and sell your products.
- Businesses can easily set up a website their Local Enterprise Office can offer online trading vouchers of up to €2,500. There are multiple platforms out there that offer website and payment solutions, such as Shopify and Square, but there are many more.
- Irish eCommerce businesses should promote that they are Irish, this is really important to Irish customers, and also highlight there are no additional import fees and Irish delivery is the fastest going.
- Convenience, Speed and time saving are really important factors to Irish customers.
- eCommerce businesses should consider appropriate influencers to help promote their brand and products. Exclusive online deals and codes are having an impact and are one of the main drivers to buying online.
- Being upfront with delivery timelines and returns policies on ecommerce websites will help with customers confidence to buy online.
- Shortening your eCommerce pick & pack times will shorten overall lead times and lead to more purchases, we recommend where possible picking and packing on the same day and sending to customers.