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An Post Launches Stamps Designed by Irish Schoolchildren -Stamp Commemorating Adoption of EU Flag also Issued

9 May 2006

Europa stamps are issued each year by 52 European postal administrations, usually on the same day, with a common theme for the stamp design.  This year it was decided to give primary and secondary school students the opportunity to produce artwork to feature on the stamps.

Two students won a competition organised by An Post and the National College of Art and Design to come up with designs for a stamp on the theme of ‘Integration as seen by Young People’, and from the hundreds of designs submitted, two were chosen for issue as Ireland’s Europa stamps for 2006.

The winning stamps were designed by fourteen year old Sarah Naughter of Loreto College in Crumlin (75c stamp), and twelve year old Katie McMillan of Mater Dei Primary School in James St in Dublin (48c stamp).  Sarah’s design features colourful flowers each bearing the flag of a different nation, while Katie’s sees children from different cultures waving the Irish and EU flags.  The First Day Cover will additionally incorporate a design submitted by Niamh Walsh of Warrenmount Primary School.

Also issued today is a stamp commemorating the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the EU flag by the European Communities.  Former Chief Herald of Ireland Gerard Slevin was involved in the initial process that led to the selection of its design, and the flag, which was adopted by The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in 1955, has been used as the flag of the European Union since 1986 as a symbol of a Europe unified in its ideals and its identity.  Designed by Ger Garland, An Post will issue a 48c stamp and a First Day Cover.

The stamps are available from the Philatelic Bureau in the GPO, at main Post Offices and online at

Contact the Press Office for further information.

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