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An Post Money Current Account customers earn €1m MoneyBack

28 May 2020

An Post Money has just reached a major milestone in its drive to deliver comprehensive financial services across the country with €1m Moneyback for customers of its An Post Money Current Account.
An Post this week announced that its Current Account customers had earned themselves more than €1m money back into their accounts on transactions using their An Post Money Current Account with their Moneyback partners.
MoneyBack spend has risen in the last 2 months of Covid-19 lockdown as Current Account holders took full advantage of their card. In line with its Human about Money promise, the An Post Money current account comes with a transparent and fair €5 monthly maintenance fee. An Post does not apply fees for contactless or point of sale transactions which really add up.
The average MoneyBack recipient is earning nearly €10 cash a month cash back into their account . Research into An Post Money Current Account spending shows that the average ‘grocery’ spend with the card, at Lidl for example, is €47 with customers earning nearly €2.50 back with every shop (based on 5% MoneyBack on spends over €25 with Lidl).
Some of Ireland’s leading companies including Lidl, Supermacs, Elverys, SSE Airtricity and An Post Insurance have partnered with An Post to access the moneyback feature.
Debbie Byrne, Managing Director of An Post Retail said that reaching the €1m MoneyBack milestone was a significant achievement and marked the ongoing success of An Post’s drive to provide better banking for Irish consumers.
‘’An Post identified better banking and extensive financial services as important to customers and vital to the future of An Post and the post office network. We provide a safe home for customer’s money, we offer fast and fair loans, and we are human about financial services’’.
Ms. Byrne outlined how the next stage for An Post Money included further development of An Post’s omnichannel approach to services with seamless online and offline transactions and unifying the customer experience online and at the post office counter. ‘We have the most extensive retail network in the country, 950 post offices, and a rapidly growing and busy online infrastructure,’’ she said.

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