An Post accepts Court recommendations for SP payments to three unions
1 November 2005
An Post has accepted three Labour Court recommendations for payment of Sustaining Progress increases to staff who are members of the Civil and Public Service Union (CPSU), the Association of Higher Civil and Public Servants (AHCPS) and the Public Service Executive Union (PSEU). This represents an additional annual payroll cost of €4.8m for An Post.
The recommendation was made on the grounds that An Post staff who are members of the CPSU and AHCPS have already agreed and are in the process of implementing programmes of change in work practices and staffing.
The PSEU has agreed in advance to accept an imminent Labour Court decision on a programme of change for their members at An Post. The Court today recommended that those staff receive the same Sustaining Progress payments as the other two unions, on acceptance of its decision by both parties.
The increases will also be paid to all pensioners who worked in positions represented by these three unions.
The original claim for payment of Sustaining Progress was made by the Group of Unions at An Post comprising the CPSU, PSEU, AHCPS and the Communications Workers Union (CWU). A Labour Court recommendation in July of this year linked the payment of Sustaining Progress to acceptance by the CWU of work practice changes in An Post‘s Collection and Delivery operation. This was rejected by the CWU, effectively blocking payment to members of the other three unions. Subsequently the three unions served separate claims for payment of Sustaining Progress to their members.
In line with the May 2005 Labour Relations Commission appointed Assessor’s Report on the company’s finances and its ability to pay, An Post agreed to pay all staff five per cent of outstanding Sustaining Progress increases, backdated to January 1, 2005.
Today’s decision covers the following payments which will be paid with effect from their due date: 2 per cent with effect from 1st February 2005; 1.5 per cent from 1st May, 2005; 1.5 per cent from 1st November 2005 and 2.5 per cent from 1st May 2006.
For information:
Phasing of increases under Sustaining Progress
Part 1:
3 per cent with effect from 1st November, 2003
2 per cent with effect from 1st August, 2004
2 per cent from 1st February 2005
Part 2:
1.5 per cent with effect from 1st May, 2005
1.5 per cent with effect from 1st November 2005
2.5 per cent with effect from 1st May 2006