An Post deplores Union Threat to Services
25 January 2005
An Post deplores the latest round of threats by the CWU against the wider national postal service. Aggression and belligerence by a dominant trade union is extremely damaging to and undermining of public confidence in an important public service.
It is particularly disturbing that union threats to exercise its industrial muscle are made at a time when an LRC process is still in resolve staff impact issues, arising from the reintegration of SDS into An Post mails services.
An Post management has been in contact with the LRC on several occasions during the day. It is in the interest of the company and the union that the reintegration, decided by the Board of An Post, be completed on time and with due concern for the impact of the changes on staff.
The Company refutes union suggestions that staff were forced to relocate against their wishes. Only staff who applied for relocation moved to Portlaoise where staffing gaps are being filled by the recruitment of 16 additional jobs.