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An Post is Ireland’s most reputable organisation

5 May 2017

The study was compiled by The Reputations Agency and their global partners the Reputation Institute and ranks the 100 largest and most visible organisations in Ireland based on 4,500 responses from the general public from January to March this year.

An Post was ranked the third most Irish reputable company last year and has consistently been within the top ten most trusted Irish companies over the eight years since the Irish RepTrak study began. This year’s Top Ten companies are:

  1. An Post
  2. Google
  3. Kerry Group
  4. Boots
  5. Bord Bia
  6. Tourism Ireland
  7. Aldi
  8. Aer Lingus
  9. Lidl
  10. SuperValu

The independent study ranked each company on its RepTrak® Pulse score, representing an average measure of four emotional indicators: trust, esteem, admiration and good feeling. It also studied how organisations were rated across the seven more rational dimensions of reputation - leadership, products & services, innovation, governance, workplace, performance and citizenship.

Accepting the overall award at today’s event, where he made the keynote address to representatives of Ireland’s top companies, David McRedmond, An Post CEO, said:

“This is great news for An Post and shows, once again, the strength of the brand and the depth of our customers’ esteem for our business. The study was carried out at a time when the extent of the financial challenges facing the Company were widely known. Customers also knew that a significant, but essential, price increase was imminent.

“This award is recognition of our strength in facing up to our difficulties, doing the detailed strategic work so that the right decisions are made and so that An Post can have a vibrant future. We have a strong foundation on which to transform our business to meet the challenges and opportunities of the global digital revolution. Everyone in An Post deserves to be proud of this result.”

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