Apimondia 2005 Stamp Creates A Buzz!
19 August 2005
More than 5,000 people from all over the globe are expected to attend the event which is estimated to be worth more than €10 million to the Irish economy.
Apimondia promotes co-operation between beekeepers’ associations and those involved in apiculture worldwide, as well as promoting apicultural scientific, technical and economic development. There are more than 3,000 beekeepers in Ireland, the vast majority of whom are hobbyists keeping between two and ten hives.
Due to the cool damp climate the beekeeping season is short in Ireland with the main honey flow occurring between mid-June and the end of July. Irish honey is usually of excellent quality and it is a regular prizewinner at the annual British National Honey Show in London.
An Post’s stamp was designed by Irish artist Steve Simpson. A special First Day Cover, featuring an illustration by Dr Thomas Ryan RHA is priced at €1.40. Both may be viewed and purchased at the GPO, Dublin, main post offices and on-line at www.irishstamps.ie
For further information on the 37th International Apicultural Congress visit the official Apimondia 2005 website at www.apimondia2005.com