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Killer Ideas at An Post

5 March 2009

Already this year there is a renewed emphasis on ‘narrowcast’ media like direct mail reflecting the shift in marketing priorities from winning new business to holding onto and developing business in slow growing markets.

According to recent Amárach Consulting one quarter of businesses use direct mail as a direct response element in a wider branding campaign. Findings that 16% of all adults respond to direct mail either by phone, by post, the web or by presenting a coupon support use of direct mail in this way.

The Internet is an increasing influence on Direct Marketing and Amie Peters, Head of Direct Mail says “35% of marketers expect to increase their spending on direct mail over the next three years while the highest proportional increase in marketing channel budgets will go to internet marketing.”

“This may look like a negative trend for direct mail, but in the constraints of a slower economic environment direct mail will play a key part in maintaining customer loyalty as well as expanding the value of existing customers.  But this will only happen if marketers listen to what consumers are saying about what works and what doesn’t work in relation to direct marketing.”


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