Log On Learn Computer Training Wins ‘Good Neighbour’ Award
29 September 2009
The national initiative bringing Transition Year students and older people together to share computer and life skills and is a joint venture between Intel, An Post and Microsoft. The three Companies thank and congratulate the real winners of the ‘Good Neighbour’ award who are getting involved and getting to know each other through the one to one tuition and tailored nature of the Log On, Learn training.
More than 100 secondary schools across the country have already signed up to the Log On, Learn programme, delivering computer training to over 3,000 older people to date. As the programme is rolled out further, it will have the capacity to train up to 30,000 older people in basic computer skills, making it Irelands largest delivery system of computer training designed especially for older people.
In response to this achievement Donal Connell Chief Executive of An Post said: “Raising awareness of literacy on a national level begins on the ground in a local setting. This initiative is all about computer literacy and Log On, Learn has proven it delivers real benefits to the participating Older People who can often feel left out of the ever expanding world of digital and online communications. Through this programme An Post, Intel and Microsoft have joined our efforts, making a relevant and positive impact in the lives of both older and younger people all over the country.”
As the ‘digital divide’ widens, barriers to accessing computer training and literacy can lead to social isolation and greater expense for older people. Having a basic knowledge of computer and internet skills can give access to many exclusively online products and lower prices. It can also mean increased contact with family and friends at home and abroad, leading to greater quality of life and happiness.
From the school computer room, the student tutors share their knowledge of how to use a PC and mouse, basic word processing and Internet confidence, at a pace which suits the older person. The relationships built allow the older person to share their ability to relate and communicate opinions, memories and life experience.
The programme is proving hugely popular, with current courses heavily subscribed already. Log On, Learn is promoted locally by the TY students, allowing them to improve their marketing skills and to become the teacher, using their knowhow to up skill older people in their area with computer and Internet skills they can use in an everyday way.
To receive an information pack about Log On, Learn please call and leave your details on 01 214 7417
Teachers wishing to register schools to take part, email ty.lol@live.com