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New stamp for Centenary of Griffith’s essays The Resurrection of Hungary: A Parallel for Ireland

21 November 2005

Irish artist Ger Garland designed the stamp which features a portrait of Arthur Griffith against a background image of the title page of Griffith’s Policy.

Disillusionment and division characterised the political landscape in post-Famine Ireland following the death of Charles Steward Parnell and the defeat of the second Home Rule Bill in 1893. Out of this vacuum emerged a new type of nationalism which aspired to give prominence to Ireland’s cultural and literary identity and thereby earn the nation recognition as a separate cultural entity.

The Gaelic League, the Gaelic Athletic Association and the Anglo- Irish literary revival gained massive popular support as their activities re-ignited national pride, promoted self-reliance and demonstrated that Ireland had the right to become an autonomous nation. Arthur Griffith was among those whose philosophy tended toward a real manifestation of this ideal.

The new stamp and a special First Day Cover are available at the GPO, Dublin and online at (new window)

Contact the Press Office for further information.

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