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Postage rates to increase on Thursday 13th April, 2017

16 March 2017

  • New postage rates will reflect the real cost of the mails service and ensure continuity of daily, nationwide collections and deliveries to every address for a uniform price.
  • Increased rates across all services puts postal service on a sustainable footing and brings Irish rates in line with European tariffs.
  • New domestic stamp rate of €1.00 still well below EU Average of €1.10

David McRedmond, An Post CEO said: 

“An Post is taking action to put the correct postal prices in place now.  This will ensure the sustainability of the mails service for all customers and provide certainty of cash flow while we implement a fundamental restructuring of the whole business over the next two years.  

“Across the world, postal companies have already taken action to deal with the challenges of a rapidly changing market and we must do the same.  An Post delivers consistently excellent service and we must charge the correct price for this service. Mail continues to be an important, effective medium and even with these increased tariffs, still represents real value.  

“Where the impact is greatest - on higher volume users such as SMEs and larger businesses - An Post will do everything possible to mitigate the impact through improved volume discounts,” he said. 

Postal operators across Europe are facing similar trends in e-substitution of traditional letter mail.  Mail volumes here have declined by 38% in the past decade. Our stamp prices have seriously lagged behind other posts who have taken action to meet these challenges. . 

The range and bands of discount available to businesses have been expanded as part of the new pricing structure in order to lessen the impact on customers, particularly SMEs. Significant discount options will continue for CeadĂșnas licence and bulk-mail services. 

An Post is currently conducting a major strategic review of the scale, scope and structure of the Group for the long-term, taking into account major ongoing technology and market shifts. This work will be completed by May of this year.  

Guide to Postal Rates April 13, 2017 
Principal Postal Rates April 13, 2017 
Bulk discounts for mailers. Volumes of 200 items upwards April 13, 2017 
Bulk discounts for mailers. Volumes of 2000 items upwards April 13, 2017 
International Bulk Mail Service (IBMS) Rates April 13, 2017 
Publication Services April 13, 2017 

Country Price
Denmark 3.63
Italy 2.80
Finland 1.30
Average 1.10
Ireland 1.00
France 0.85
Belgium 0.79
Netherlands 0.78
United Kingdom 0.76
Greece 0.72
Germany 0.70
Luxembourg 0.70
Sweden 0.68
Austria 0.68
Portugal 0.58
Spain 0.50

Source: Nominal rates are as per Deutsche Post, "Letter Prices in Europe", April 2016 with updated rates for any price changes since publication of that report.

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