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Postfone is a value-for money, no hassle, pre-pay mobile phone service from one of Ireland’s most trusted retailers -

7 June 2010

An Post’s €2 million-plus investment in postfone, an MVNO with Vodafone, is the latest addition to the company’s range of financial and communications products and follows last week’s announcement of its deal to provide cash banking services for National Irish Bank customers.   The company is targeting a five per cent market share for postfone.

Speaking at the GPO, Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources said “We love to talk. Irish people have taken to mobile technology like few countries around the world. I welcome this innovation from An Post, which adds another element to their growing offerings to Irish consumers. As a flagship semi-state company with real national reach, An Post has continued to evolve and respond to our changing communications needs. I wish them well in this venture.”

An Post Chief Executive Donal Connell said:  “postfone is great news for Irish mobile users.  We’re offering customers superb call and text rates in a local, friendly and familiar environment. We’ll provide personal assistance with every aspect of buying a phone and managing mobile phone costs at 300 post offices around the country.  Our strategy is to broaden out our revenue base by investing in those areas from which we can drive more business and more profit.  This is the way forward for An Post and for our retail network.”

postfone will come on stream at 300 post offices over the Summer months, with heavy marketing emphasis on its no-frills, simple and straightforward rates; easy accessibility six days a week and personal hands-on service for customers wishing to buy a phone, transfer from their existing operator or better manage their credit. 

Postfone’s Gary Finnerty explained: “Switching to postfone does not involve any change of number; customers keep their own mobile number. There’s a lot of competition in this market and we believe our simple, easy-to-use service perfectly caters for those seeking a reliable and trusted mobile provider offering unbeatable value.   A single tariff applies to all networks at all times and postfone’s range of easy to use handsets offers the latest features at lower prices.  We’re offering great incentives to switch over to postfone and it’s easy to do.  Irish mobile users now have a real alternative to the old, established networks.”

postfone is yet another convenient service for the existing 1.7 million customers who visit a post office every week to access mail, communications and financial services including bill payments, banking and State Savings. Top-ups will be available at all post offices and Postpoint outlets and online at www.


For more information contact:

Alison Kelly
Insight Consultants
086 1955722

Paula Donaghy
Insight Consultants
085 121 8495


About postfone

postfone by An Post was launched as a mobile virtual network operator in May of 2010 providing mobile phone services over the Vodafone network.

Mobile users can switch to postfone by visiting one the participating Post Offices and can choose to either keep their current mobile number or opt for a new postfone number. Users can opt to keep their own handset or choose from a range of easy to use postfone handsets at selected main Post offices nationwide.

For further information, including tariffs and specials offers, visit (new window)


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