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Shop online to your post office - everyone needs an AddressPal

3 March 2016

The service is operated through the AddressPal website, which generates a UK proxy address for Irish consumers to use when ordering online from the UK. The key benefits to the consumer is that they can avail of free, reduced or UK only shipping options combined with convenient pick-up points through the An Post retail post office network across Ireland.

An Post will ship all items from the UK to Ireland and customers can collect them for just €3.50 at their designated post office.
AddressPal couldn’t be simpler - just follow the easy five step process:

  • Register for free with
  • Receive your unique UK AddressPal address
  • Shop online at the UK e-tailer of your choice
  • Receive notification when your item arrives
  • Collect at the post office of your choice

An An Post spokesperson describes AddressPal as a perfect solution for many online shoppers. ‘’AddressPal matches our unrivalled retail network, shipping know-how and trusted customer service for the benefit of customers shopping online.

‘’Along with DeliveryBox this is another example of An Post meeting the needs of a new generation of customers and increasing the range of services offered by Post offices’’.

Register for AddressPal today




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