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TV Licence and GeoDirectory take eGovernment Awards

20 February 2009

TV Licence won the award in the People’s Choice category while GeoDirectory won out in the State Body eGovernment category.

The eGovernment Awards publicly acknowledge innovation in the public sector and honours companies who have succeeded in harnessing information and communications technology (ICT) to deliver better services, information and efficiencies.

GeoDirectory is a joint venture between An Post and Ordnance Survey Ireland. Its website showcases the many applications that GeoDirectory offers to Irish businesses through its unique address database with an exact geographical location for 1.8 million properties, based on the address from An Post and Ordnance Survey.

An Post collects TV Licences and manages the licence database on behalf of the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources. is an important additional channel for the collection of licence fees, allowing customers to conveniently renew an existing TV Licence or buy a new one online.

Congratulations to the GeoDirectory, TV Licence and PCI teams and all those involved – these awards are a recognised benchmark for excellence for electronic and web-based business and will raise the profile of and among our customers. Both award-winning websites can be viewed from the homepage of the intranet.

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