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€15/€18 Calls, Texts & Data Plan

The following terms and conditions of the An Post Mobile €15/ €18 Calls, Texts & Data Plan (the “Plan”) are in addition to and form part of the An Post Mobile General Terms and Conditions General Terms. In the event of any conflict the specific terms and conditions below shall prevail.

Part 1 – Your Plan

  • The Plan includes 3,000 minutes, 3,000 texts and 25GB of data. 
  • Note: €18 top up includes 3,000 minutes, 3,000 texts and 120GB of data.
  • The Plan applies for 31 days following your top up if you are using Auto Top Up and for 28 days following your top up if you are manually topping up. 
  • You must top up by €15 or €18, as per your choice, in one go, every 28 days (or every 31 days if you are using Auto Up). 
  • Any unused calls, minutes and data in your Plan expire 31 days after being applied if you are using Auto Top Up, otherwise 28 days after being applied.
  • Topping up by more than €18 will not extend your Plan for a longer period.
  • Top Up amounts paid above the €18 Plan cost will be added as General Credit for usage in excess of your Plan allowance or for usage not covered by your plan e.g. premium rate calls

Part 2 Exclusions & Roaming

  • The Plan excludes international calls, roaming in non-EU countries and calls to directory enquiries, premium rate numbers or any non-standard number. 
  • All calls or texts which are not included in the Plan will be charged from your General Credit at Standard Rates published at Tables 2, 3 & 4 of Part B of the General Terms and Conditions.  
  • You can use calls, texts and data from your Plan while roaming in the EU in the same way you use the allocation in Ireland however this is subject to a fair usage limit. A fair usage limit of 25GB of data and 250 minutes and texts applies to your Plan while roaming in the EU (and UK).  All usage in excess of your Plan and/or the fair usage limit will be charged at the rates set out in Table 5 of the General Terms and Conditions. For all non-EU destinations your Plan allocations cannot be used while roaming and you will be charged at the rates set out in Table 5 of the General Terms and Conditions while roaming.

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