Developing future talent
Our talent management strategy enables our people to reach their full potential and helps
An Post to build the skills and capabilities we need for the future. In 2022 we delivered 4,821 training days to 6,363 employees.

Green Institute
Following the successful launch of the An Post Green Institute in 2021, we continued to support 189 of our future leaders through our leadership and management programmes. The An Post Green Institute is part of our commitment to developing our management and leadership pipeline and includes:
• Strategic leadership, mentoring, female talent acceleration support and front line manager programmes.
• Our Education Support Scheme, which financially supports employees to advance their education and build their capabilities.

Lean Training
Our strategy is about transforming how we work and expanding our expertise by adopting lean, agile and innovative practices, whether working at home or in the office. To enable us to achieve this, in 2022 we rolled out lean management principles training to over 300 senior and middle managers in our head office. This will build capabilities and support leaders and their teams in working smarter and have:
• Greater clarity on their team’s daily workload and how best to manage it.
• Timely sight of problems before they become big issues.
• Reduction in the time spent on non–value add tasks.
• An empowered team that brings solutions and works collaboratively.