Unlocking Life Round Table
An Post has gathered literacy advocates to shine a light on the importance of literacy in Ireland. Blathnaid Treacy hosts this conversation with Michael Duffy (ETBI Student), Ester Mackey (ETBI Teacher), Rory O’Connor (author and comedian) and Dr. Katriona O’Sullivan (psychologist and memoirist).

NALA - The National Adult Literacy Agency
Founded in 1980, The National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) is a registered charity that has been operating a Distance Learning Service for adults with unmet literacy needs for more than 20 years. NALA 's free Learn with NALA service allows adults to learn over the phone with one of their tutors or online with its e-Learning platform that has more than 40 courses in reading, writing, maths, computers and more. Adults can earn digital badges, certificates and Level 1 – 3 Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) accreditation.
For more information about Learn with NALA
Call 1 800 20 20 80 or visit learnwithnala.ie

BITCI - Business in the Community Ireland
With up to 50,000 primary school children in Ireland experiencing difficulty with reading and writing, Business in the Community Ireland established the Time to Read and Time to Count programmes which An Post proudly support to help primary school students develop their reading confidence and math skills.
To learn more about An Post Time to Read and Time to Count Programmes and to see how you or your organisation can unlock a child’s potential, visit the website or call 01 874 3807.

ALL - Adult Literacy for Life
Adult Literacy for Life (ALL) is a ten year, whole-of-society and government strategy dedicated to ensuring that everyone in Ireland has the literacy to meet their needs, and that literacy is valued and supported at every level of society. Literacy is a human right and we believe everyone should have the literacy, numeracy and digital literacy to participate in society and succeed in life. Our aim is to ensure that by 2030, no one is excluded, isolated or stigmatised due to unmet literacy, numeracy or digital literacy needs. Contact us today to find out how you can help bridge the literacy gap.

ETBI - Education and Training Boards Ireland
Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI) is the national representative body for the sixteen Education and Training Boards (ETBs) in Ireland. ETBs manage and operate Community National Schools, Post-Primary Schools, Further Education (FE) colleges, and a range of adult and further education centres delivering education and training programmes. They are the driving force in adult literacy provision in Ireland, with over 40,000 adults attending literacy courses nationwide. The service is completely free and is a very different experience to school. Tutors work at a pace that suits the learner and their interests, and there are no exams.

Children's Books Ireland
Children’s Books Ireland is the national charity and arts organisation that champions every child’s right to develop a love of reading. Through various activities and events, Children’s Books Ireland aims to engage young people with books and act as a core resource for those with an interest in books for children in Ireland. An Post is proud to continue our partnership with Children’s Books Ireland by delivering over 14,000 books for free to children across the country on World Book Day and by producing & sponsoring Children’s books Ireland Rainbow Reads, the Pride Reading Guide which encourages solidarity and confidence in children and young people – during Pride and beyond.

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library
An Post’s support of the Dolly Parton Imagination Library programme, a literacy initiative whereby children receive a book by post every month from birth up to age five, is going from strength to strength. We have covered the cost of delivering more than 200,000 books to young children in the Dublin 24 postal district since 2017, while almost 14,000 books were delivered to youngsters in Cork city in 2022.