National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA)
Literacy at a Glance
1 in 6 people has a literacy difficulty in Ireland
1 in 4 has a problem with numeracy
In Ireland nearly 30% of the workforce has only Junior Certificate or less, while 10% has only primary level or no formal qualifications at all
Founded in 1980, The National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) is a registered charity that has been operating a Distance Learning Service for adults with unmet literacy needs for more than 20 years. NALA’s free Learn with NALA service allows adults to learn over the phone with one of their tutors or online with its e-Learning platform that has more than 40 courses in reading, writing, maths, computers and more. Adults can earn digital badges, certificates and Level 1 – 3 Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) accreditation.
For more information about Learn with NALA
Call 1 800 20 20 80 or visit