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Getting it sorted

We are committed to sorting your problems and resolving your complaints in relation to our services as quickly and transparently as possible.

If you have a complaint or any other concern, please let us know by:

  1. Filling out the contact us form at
  2. Completing an online enquiry form at
  3. Calling Customer Services on 353 (1) 705 7600
  4. Writing to An Post Customer Services, The EXO Building, North Wall Quay, Freepost, Dublin 1, D01 W5Y2 

Find out more about our complaint and dispute resolution procedures.

Complaint and dispute resolution procedures

You can complain whether you are the sender or the recipient of an item, providing you have all the necessary details. Your complaint must be made within:

  • One month from receipt of an item within Ireland
  • Three months from posting of mail within Ireland
  • Six months from posting of international items
  • One month from the issue causing the complaint for non-mail-related complaints

If your complaint is outside these timelines but you have all relevant documentation, we will do our best to resolve the issue. We will keep your records for a minimum of two years.

We will acknowledge receipt of a complaint within three working days with a unique enquiry number. We aim to resolve it within 10 working days but we promise to resolve your complaint within the following time frames:

  • 30 days for complaints relating to Ireland
  • 40 days for international destinations where electronic communication can be used
  • 60 days for all other international complaints

If your complaint is not resolved within the appropriate time frame, we will provide you with regular updates. If we do not meet the timescales set out, a payment of €15 may be available to you.

Taking it further

If you have exhausted our complaints procedure and are not happy with the outcome, you can contact:

Customer Advocate

Our Customer Advocate provides free, independent reviews of complaints to help achieve impartial solutions. Please send details of your enquiry to Customer Advocate, An Post, General Post Office, O’Connell Street Lower, Freepost, Dublin 1, D01 F5P2 or complete an online application form with the following details:  

  • Your Customer Service enquiry number
  • Date you made your complaint
  • Date the final decision was sent to you

Cases must be lodged within 30 calendar days of the date of the final decision communicated by our customer service team. You will receive:

  • An interim response by return for electronic queries or in three days for postal queries
  • A final response 30 calendar days following your first contact


You can contact ComReg with queries and complaints by:

  • Emailing
  • Calling 353 1 804 9600 
  • Writing to ComReg, 1 Dockland Central, Guild Street, Dublin 1, D01 E4X0

Small Claims Court

You can contact the Small Claims Office in your district or lodge a claim online.  Find out more about the Small Claims procedure.


We will pay compensation for items lost, damaged or substantially delayed in the post by seven days within Ireland and by 10 days for international items.

A certificate of posting may be required to be eligible for such compensation. Generally, these payments are made in the form of complimentary stamps and cover no more than the cost of postage and directly-associated costs.

You may ask for compensation payments for Standard Post to be paid by way of cheque. Registered Post items automatically include a certain amount of compensation if something goes wrong. The level of compensation depends on the value declared at the time of posting

All other compensation payments are made by cheque. Consequential loss is not covered.

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