2022 Achievements
In An Post, we are doing more than making commitments and creating plans. We are delivering actions to improve sustainability and some of our achievements in 2022 include:

Eliminated gender Pay Gap
Maintained zero Gender Pay Gap for a second consecutive year

Carbon Emissions
Reduced our carbon emissions by 12% year-on-year and by 35% since 2009

Fleet efficiency
30.8% of our fleet runs on alternative fuel sources

Energy Efficiency
Met our ambition to replace all lighting with energy efficient lighting by 2022

Zero Waste
Zero waste to landfill for 5th consecutive year

Ireland RepTrak® 2022
Named as Ireland’s most reputable organisation in the Ireland RepTrak® 2022 study

Charitable Donations
Collected over €2.1m in charitable donations for Ukraine and Creeslough through our Post Office network

Support for Ukraine
Supported Ukrainian refugees arriving in Ireland

Reduced Electricity Usage
Inaugural Irish business to sign up to the “Beat the Peak” initiative reducing electricity usage from 5pm – 7pm

Risks Assessment
Performed a first-of-its kind assessment in Ireland of nature-related impacts and dependencies as well the associated risks and opportunities for the business

Employee Engagement Programme
Became the first company in Ireland to be accredited for running an employee engagement programme on sustainability

Measurement and Management
Ranked third in the world by the International Postal Corporation’s Sustainability Measurement and Management System