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Our journey to sustainability

Over the last number of years, An Post has been working to build a more sustainable business and to help us deliver on our purpose which is to act for the common good and to improve the quality of life in Ireland, now and for generations to come.

From achieving the ISO 50001 Energy Management System in July 2013 for our property portfolio, to being the first postal company in the world to achieve zero emissions deliveries in all of Ireland's cities - Dublin, Waterford, Cork, Limerick, Galway, Kilkenny, resulting in no tailpipe emissions or noise pollution.

Check out our journey to net zero emissions by 2030 below



  • Maintained zero gender pay gap for a second consecutive year.
  • Supported Ukrainian refugees arriving in Ireland.
  • Reduced our carbon emissions by 12% year-on-year and by 35% since 2009.
  • 30% of our fleet runs on alternative fuel sources.
  • Zero waste to landfill for 5th consecutive year.
  • Performed a first-of-its kind assessment in Ireland of nature-related impacts and dependencies as well the associated risks and opportunities for the business.
  • Collected over €2.1m in charitable donations for Ukraine and Creeslough through our Post Office network.
  • Became the first company in Ireland to be accredited for running a year-long employee engagement programme on sustainability.
  • Met our ambition to replace all lighting with energy efficient lighting by 2022.
  • Ranked third in the world by the International Postal Corporation’s Sustainability Measurement and Management System.
  • Named as Ireland’s most reputable organisation in the Ireland RepTrak® 2022 study.
  • Inaugural Irish business to sign up to the “Beat the Peak”.


  • First major company in Ireland to eliminate the gender pay gap.
  • First postal service in the world to attain zero emission delivery status in all major cities - Dublin, Waterford, Cork, Limerick, Galway and Kilkenny.
  • First company in Ireland to trial the use of HVO (Hydro-treated Vegetable Oil) for fleet fuel.
  • Primary recycling rate achieved in excess of 80%.
  • Signed up to the UNEP FI Principles for responsible Banking.
  • Achieved the independently-audited Business Working Responsibly Mark.
  • Ranked in the Top 3 of the 'Most Sustainable Organistations in Ireland'.


  • Published 1st Sustainability Report.
  • Increased our EV fleet to 1009.
  • Introduction of pre-paid envelopes made from 100% recycled packaging.
  • ISO 14001 - Environment Management Certification achieved.
  • Introduction of no zero hour contracts.
  • Green hub launched.
  • Joined SENATOR & ALICE.
  • Community Focus Initiatives launched.
  • Started installing new water management system.
  • Van renovation pilot.
  • Achieved A- in CDP.
  • Reduced our packing waste by 31% since 2019.


  • Alignment of Business Strategy with 5 key (SDGs).
  • First postal service to eliminate carbon emissions in a Capital city.
  • 1st company to join government scheme aimed at planting native woodlands.
  • Launch of the first Gender Pay Gap Report and Action Plan.
  • Launch of Address Point Service.
  • Achieved B in CDP (carbon disclosure project).
  • Awarded ISO 500001 - energy management.
  • 100% renewable electricity usage in buildings.
  • IPC EMMS Gold certification.
  • Energy efficient lighting installed in all Mail Centres.
  • First Irish company to sign up to the UN Commitment for Business to work toward limiting Global Temperature increases to 1.5 °C.
  • Achieved Gender Balance recruitment for An Post Graduate Programme.
  • All external lighting converted to LED.
  • Deployed 166 electric vehicles as part of our EV Fleet.


  • Achieved a Gender Balance Management Board.
  • Zero Waste to Landfill.


  • Achieved a Carbon Management Proficiency score of 86.6% within IPC EMMS.
  • Commenced work in conjunction with IPC to align our Environmental and Carbon Reduction Goals with 5 key UN SDGs for the Postal Sector.


  • Development of a reporting framework on carbon emissions and energy management performance.
  • Hosted inaugural European Journalist Award on Diversity as part of the 7th EU Diversity Charters Annual Forum.
  • Installed our first Solar PV panel in Monaghan DSU to generate our own electricity.


  • Silver status within IPC EMMS, ranking 8th among 20 participating posts globally.
  • Poll-out of a nationwide energy monitoring system.

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