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Terms and Conditions Mails Collection Service 

These terms and conditions apply to An Post’s Mail Collection Service (hereinafter referred to as (the “Service”). In these terms and conditions “You” and “Your” refer to the applicant(s) for the Service and “We”, “Us” and “Our” refer to An Post, having its registered office at GPO, O’Connell Street, Dublin 1, D01 F5P2.

“Postal Item(s)” means a Letter, Large Letter, Postal Packet or Parcel of the size and dimensions set out in the An Post Single Piece Mail terms and conditions available at 

The Service is a service whereby We on request collect pre-paid Postal Items from a single location designated by You and on Your behalf post the Postal items by entering them into the postal service. 

The location designated by you for collection may be changed by You on notification to Us.


  1. The Service is only available on business days and in respect of Postal Items where the postage and other fees and charges payable to An Post have been paid by one of the methods of payment set out in the An post single piece mail terms and conditions.
  2. Postal Items collected using the Service are subject to the terms set out at
  3. Limitation on Liability: 
    Our liability for any direct loss or damage arising from this Service is limited to the amount of the annual subscription paid for the Service. We will not be liable, in any event, for any consequential or indirect loss or damage including, without limitation, loss of income, profits, interest, utility or loss of market, however arising in respect of the Service. We will not be liable for any negligence in Our performance of the Service.
  4. The Service is not a guaranteed or time certain collection service. We will not provide any advance notice of collection of your Postal Item Any references to expected collection times are estimates only.
  5. You acknowledge that the availabity of the Service is always subject to capacity and in the event that You have a large volume of Postal Items for collection on any particular day We reserve the right to arrange for a separate collection on an alternative date.
  6. Collection of all registered post items and Express Post items is subject to prior notification to US.
  7. The Service is available on annual subscription of payable in advance at the beginning of January in each year. A pro rata refund of the subscription is available where You cease using the Service during the year. The pro rata refund is a refund of the subscription paid for unexpired calendar months calculated from the beginning of the calendar month after You cease using the Service until the end of December of that year. There is no pro rata refund of the subscription where the Service is commenced and ceased or cancelled in the same calendar year.
  8. We are careful to treat the privacy of Our customers with care and with due regard to the laws of Ireland, including Data Protection legislation. The details supplied by You, including your personal data and your payment details, will be used and retained by Us solely for the purposes of providing the Service. For more details, please see An Post’s Data Protection policy including our Privacy Statement and Web Policy which are available on the An Post website at
  9. Your Indemnity:
    In consideration of Us providing the Service You will indemnify Us and keep Us fully and effectively indemnified on demand from and against any and all losses, claims, damages, costs, charges, expenses, liabilities, demands, proceedings and actions which We may sustain or incur, or which may be brought or established against Us by any person, which in any case arise out of or in relation to or by reason of Your use of the Service in breach of any of these terms and conditions.
  10. We reserve the right to decline an application for the Service or to cancel, discontinue or terminate the Service at Our absolute discretion with no liability to You. 
  11. Any notice or other communication from us to you will be deemed to have been received by you if it is sent to the email address you provided to us when applying for the Mails Collection Service, or your updated email address if you have provided this to us. It is your responsibility to notify us if your email address or other contact information changes. 

        If you wish to contact us, please email us at 

The Mails Collection Page forms part of the An Post website. Therefore, your use of the Mails Collection Page and the Service is governed by the applicable An Post Policies located at Such policies include without limitation, An Post’s Web Policy, Data Privacy Statement and information about An Post’s use of cookies on its website. You should review the An Post Policies carefully.  
By agreeing to these Terms, you are deemed to have read and agreed to be bound by the An Post Policies, each of which forms an integral part of these Terms and is incorporated into these Terms by this reference.

  1. This agreement is governed by the laws of Ireland and is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish courts.

The Annual Subscription is €4,599

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