Ceadúnas Terms and Conditions
- Present mail divided between local and forward e.g. in Dublin:
- Dublin city and county (local)
- All other places (forward)
- Present items bundled in 50's (for bulkier items bundle in 10's)
- Ceadúnas mail must be presented prior to 3pm in Dublin and 4pm elsewhere
- Mail must be presented with all addresses facing the same way.
- A return address must be on the front of the envelope in the top left hand corner
- Ceadúnas items must be presented at the approved designated post office or via an agreed An Post Collection.
- Ceadúnas mailings must be paid for in advance of, or at the time of, posting except where a Deposit account is used or where payment is via the central billing system.
- Present a docket for each individual posting with details of the number of items posted at each rate, product codes and the total number of items presented.
- Ensure that the cover of Ceadúnas items bears the approved pre-printed logo which denotes prepayment of postage.
- Ensure that the sample logo shown is the only acceptable design
- Ensure that the mail bearing postage stamps or franked impressions is not included with Ceadúnas items.
- Keep different service identifiers separate.